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Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for WorldCat.org and see a description of the available WorldCat.org reports.

Using OCLC Usage Statistics for WorldCat.org

 Note: WorldCat.org clicks to library statistics through 22 August 2022 are provided in OCLC Usage Statistics. We are preparing to deliver this data for dates following 22 August 2022 to library staff in the coming months. In the meantime, please contact OCLC Support in your region for WorldCat.org clicks to library statistics after 22 August 2022.

Use the WorldCat.org Click to Libraries Report to gauge what usage the WorldCat.org search box is bringing to your library site. These statistics show how many users link to your online catalog or library information from the WorldCat.org interface. They also show how many of your authenticated users link from the WorldCat.org interface to your OPAC or other resources such as links to OpenURL resources and resource sharing options.

Glossary of Terms:

  • Authenticated:  IP authenticated against that specific participating institution.
  • Public: anyone who was not IP authenticated against that institution.
  • OpenURL: the institution’s OpenURL link set up in OCLC Service Configuration, which appears to a user on WorldCat.org if they are IP authenticated against that institution.

You can configure your settings and manage links to your library's resources from the WorldCat.org interface in OCLC Service Configuration.

WorldCat.org™ Reports

Reports Description
WorldCat.org Click to Libraries Report

The WorldCat.org Clicks to Libraries Report is available for all OCLC institutions. It is an institution-level report showing, by month, the number of clicks to library-specific features. Features include library information, the library's catalog or the library's resources (i.e., JSTOR, OpenURL resources, or FirstSearch full text). These reports are to be used as a barometer of your usage.


Library Information:  the number of times users clicked on the Library Information link in the WorldCat.org interface for the given library.

 Note: WorldCat.org Insights allows you to view and export current click-through statistics from WorldCat.org to your library's catalog. The Insights screen is only accessible to web visibility program participants.

Direct Links from Google Report

The WorldCat.org Direct Links from Google Report is available for all OCLC institutions participating in the Direct Links from Google program. It is an institution-level report showing, by month, the number of clicks from the Google Knowledge Panel to the library catalog. Reporting on these metrics is also available for the consortia that you participate in.

Direct Links from Google is currently available in the U.S. only to qualifying libraries. If your library is not participating, or if your library is participating but does not show activity, please contact your OCLC sales representative or OCLC customer support in your region for additional information.