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See the definitions of various terms used in WorldCat Discovery.

Branded URL

A branded URL is a WorldCat.org URL that includes a library-specific prefix. The presence of this prefix, which is assigned by OCLC, allows WorldCat Discovery to create a results list that displays the library’s holdings first, in descending order of relevancy, followed by holdings from other OCLC member libraries, also in descending order of relevancy. The library can change the default results display, and patrons can re-order results from that default display through the WorldCat Discovery interface.

Central Index

The central index is a rapidly-growing set of databases and collections from many content providers. For more information, see the content lists on the Documentation page.

Deep Links

Deep linking is the means by which Web users arrive directly at an item record in your online catalog. Deep linking helps information seekers cross the "last mile," going from WorldCat.org results for a keyword search to the WorldCat.org detailed record for a specific title, including a list of nearby WorldCat libraries that hold the item, to the local record in the selected library's OPAC. Deep links are configured in your library’s WorldCat Registry Online Catalog module.


FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) is a 1998 recommendation of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) to restructure catalog databases to reflect the conceptual structure of information resources.

More technically, FRBR uses an entity-relationship model of metadata for information objects, instead of the single flat record concept underlying current cataloging standards. The FRBR model includes four levels of representation: work, expression, manifestation, and item. Item displays in WorldCat Discovery interfaces use the FRBR model to present a view that shows a representative record and clusters related items under the Explore Editions and Formats accordion.

For more information, see Edition Clustering in WorldCat Discovery and WorldCat Local.

Knowledge Base

The WorldCat knowledge base combines data about your library's electronic resources and linking features, enabling fast, reliable access while helping you better manage workflow associated with these materials.

Access the WorldCat knowledge base via the WorldShare Collection Manager application. For more information, see the Collection Manager support home page. See the release notes page for a complete list of collections in the knowledge base.

WorldCat Discovery

WorldCat Discovery helps people easily find and get resources available at your library and in libraries worldwide through a single search of WorldCat and familiar, authoritative e-content collections. It also connects users to your collections via popular websites where people typically start their research.

WorldCat Local

WorldCat Local was OCLC's first discovery service. It has been replaced by WorldCat Discovery.


WorldCat.org is a Web portal to the WorldCat global catalog with a supporting program of data syndication that makes your library's collection discoverable virtually anywhere on the Web. WorldCat.org allows more people outside the traditional library environment to find your reliable information and assistance through the Web sites they use every day. Participation in WorldCat.org is included at no extra cost for libraries engaged in cooperative OCLC cataloging services and who have a subscription to FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery.

Information about your library's holdings and online services is actively spread across the Web via strategic partnerships with key sites such as Google and Yahoo!, as well as by social and distributed Web technologies such as APIs, widgets, mobile and social apps that appeal to users, other information providers and e-business.

The result: WorldCat.org brings more information seekers to your catalog and services by way of major search engines; bookselling, bibliography and social networking sites; online content providers; browser toolbars; personalized home pages and other popular Web applications. Your local resources gain a global presence, become part of people's normal Web workflow and get in front of the increasing numbers of people who rely almost exclusively on the Internet.

The platform on which WorldCat.org resides differs from the WorldCat Discovery platform.

WorldShare (brand)

OCLC WorldShare provides the shared infrastructure that allows libraries to share everything.  OCLC WorldShare is a set of integrated applications built on a cloud-based, software platform. The platform provides the cooperative technical infrastructure where WorldCat data and WorldShare applications work together. WorldShare Management Services offer a completely integrated, web-based set of library management applications that eliminate traditional silos and deliver more efficiency for everyone on your staff.

WorldShare ILL

WorldShare Interlibrary Loan is the service that replaced WorldCat Resource Sharing. The service centralizes workflows, provides functionality that speeds fulfillment of interlibrary loan requests, and saves time for your staff and users.

WorldShare Management Services

WorldShare Management Services provide a unified, Web-based environment that streamlines acquisitions, circulation, license management and metadata management workflows and offers a powerful discovery and delivery tool for library users.

Both replacing and standing apart from traditional ILS systems, OCLC’s cloud-based library management services enable libraries to share infrastructure costs and resources as well as to collaborate in new ways.