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The List of Records screen

Learn how to use the list of records screen to view all search results that match search criteria in FirstSearch.


The List of Records screen lists all records that match your search criteria in the database(s) you searched.

Page through the list of retrieved records

Select Navigate back button to scroll to the previous page of records or Navigate forward button to scroll to the next page of records in the list. You can customize the number of records that appear on a page by changing the Options settings. Select the Options link in the Navigation menu to access the Options screen.

Go directly to a specific brief record

The number of the first record displayed will appear in a box between Navigate back button and Navigate forward button below the status line. Enter a record number in this box, then press <ENTER> to move to that record.

Go directly to a detailed record

Select the title in a brief record to see full bibliographic information. You can also select the Detailed Record link in the Navigation menu to go to the full bibliographic information for the first record on the list.

Bestände anzeigen

You can view holdings for an item by selecting the Libraries worldwide link. The size and extent of the resulting holdings list is determined by your library's policy.

Library staff can help you view holdings on a regional or state level, or for area library groups.

Apply additional limits

You can further limit your search results by selecting the Limit button (Limit button) in the Control panel at the top or the bottom of the screen. The Limit Results screen provides additional limits specific to the current database. These limits can include: author, subject heading, year, document type, language, or number of libraries. You can access the author and subject heading limits directly by selecting the Related Subjects (first-search-related-subjects-button.png) and Related Authors (first-search-related-authors-button.png) buttons in the Control panel.

For more information, click firstsearch-help-button.png on the Limit Results screen.

Find related items

Once you have reviewed your current search results, you may want to look for other types of information in other databases. If your search is compatible with other databases available to you, a list of those databases appears in the control panel. Each link identifies the type of records you can expect to find in the suggested database. A search is compatible with another database if the indexes used in the search are compatible with the indexes in the other database.

Save your search

Select the (Save Search) link to save the search in your personal account. If you are not logged in to your personal account, you will be prompted to logon. To access your saved searches, select the Searching tab, then select the Previous Searches link.

Mark or unmark records

Click the checkbox to the left of each record you would like to mark. Use the Mark All or Clear Marks buttons to mark or unmark all records on the list. After marking records, select the Marked Records link in the Navigation menu to go to the Marked Records screen. Here you can view, e-mail, or save to disk the records you have marked.

Take further action on your results

Use the buttons in the control panel to sort records or refine your search. See the related topics below for more information.