US-MARC fields displayed in a WorldCat detailed record
Find information about the US-MARC fields displayed in WorldCat FirstSearch detailed records.
this heading... | displays these marc fields/subfields |
Title: | 245/a,b,f,g,k,n,p,s Translated title: 242/a-c,n,p,y |
Uniform Title: | 240/a,d,f,g,k-p,r,s |
Author(s): | 100/a-g,k,l,n,p,q,s-u,4 700/a-g,k-u,x,4 720/a,e |
Corp Author(s): | 110/a-g,k,l,n,p,t,u,4 710/a-g,k-p,r-u,x,4 |
Conf Author(s): | 111/a,c-g,k,l,n,p,q,s,t,u,4 711/a,c-g,k,l,n,p,q,s-u,x,4 |
Publication: | 260/a,b,e,f,g 261/a,b,d,e,f Edition: 250/a,b Projected Date: 263/a |
Place: | 752/a,b,c,d |
Year: | 008 <date1><date2> |
Frequency: | Current: 310/a,b Past: 321/a,b |
Description: | 300/a,b,c,d,e,f,g,3 362/a 304/a,b,c,d,e,f Medium: 340/a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,3 Medium: 507/a,b |
In: | 773/a,b,d,g,h,(p),q,t Series: 773/k Report No: 773/r,u ISSN: 773/x Coden: 773/y ISBN: 773/z,w Note: 773/n,3 Uniform title: 773/s |
Dissertation: | 502/a-d,g,o |
Language: | 008 <lang> |
Action Note: | Actions: 583/a ID: 583/b Date: 583/c Interval: 583/d Contingency: 583/e Authorization: 583/f Responsibility: 583/h Method: 583/i Site: 583/j Agent: 583/k Status: 583/L Number of Items: 583/n Type of Measure: 583/o,u,z MARC code source: 583/2 Materials: 583/3 MARC code of Institution: 583/5 |
Series: | 440/a,n,p,v Variation: 800/a-g,k-v,4 810/a-g,k-p,r-v,4 811/a,c-g,k,l,p,q,s-v,4 830/a,d,f,g,k-p,r-t,v |
Main Series: | 760/a-d,s,t,y |
Music Type: | Data expanded from Leader 06, 006/01-02, 008/18-19 and 047/a |
Standard No: | ISBN: 020/a,z ISSN: 022/a Other format's ISSN: 776/x Coden: 030/a,z Other: 024/a,z Publisher: 028/a,b Stock No: 037/a Series ISSN: 440/x National Library: 016/a LCCN: 010/a,z ISSN Link: 022/l |
Report No: | 027/a,z Supplement/Special Issue: 770/r,u |
Abstract: | 520/a,b,u |
References: | 510/a,b,c,x,3 |
Contents: | 505/a,g,r,t,u |
Access: | Host: 856/a,n Access No: 856/b Compression: 856/c Path: 856/d Electronic Name: 856/f Elec. name, end of range: 856/g Processor of request: 856/h Instruction: 856/i Bits per second: 856/j Password: 856/k Logon: 856/L Contact: 856/m Operating system: 856/o Port: 856/p Data type: 856/Q Settings: 856/a,r File size: 856/s Terminal emulation: 856/t,u Hours: 856/v Note: 856/z Materials specified: 856/3 |
Descriptor: | 650/a,b,c,d,e,v,x-z |
Named Person: | 600/a-g,k-v,x-z |
Named Corp: | 610/a-g,k-p,r-v,x-z |
Named Conf: | 611/a,c-g,k,l,n,p,q,s-v,x-z |
Genre/Form: | 655/a-c,,x-z |
Geographic: | 651/a,v,x-z |
Time: | 648/a,v-z |
Identifier: | 653/a |
Title Subject: | 630/a,d,f,g,k-p,r-t,v,x-z |
System Info: | 538/a,u 753/a,b,c |
File Info: | 256/a 516/a 556/a Original study number: 036/a,b |
Note(s): | 500/a 501/a 504/a,b 511/a,u 518/a,3 530/a,b,c,d,u,3 Funding: 536/a Contract No: 536/b Grant Number: 536/c Bio/History: 545/a,u Audience: 521/a Reproduction: 533/a-f,m Original: 534/a,n,t,x,z Report: 027/a,z 088/a Supplement: 770/a,r-u,x-z |
Case File: | 565/3 Number: 565/a Variable(s): 565/b Unit(s): 565/c Data: 565/d Filing: 565/e |
Map Info: | 255/a-g Geospatial reference: 342/a-w,2 Planar coordinate: 343/a-i |
Cartgrph Code: | 034/r,x,y,z Category of scale: 034/a Constant ratio linear horizontal scale: 034/b Constant ratio linear vertical scale: 034/v West longitude: 034/d East longitude: 034/e North latitude: 034/f South latitude: 034/g Distance from earth: 034/r Begin date: 034/x End date: 034/y Extraterrestrial body: 034/z |
Data Set Info: | Digital graphic representation: 352/a-g,i Quality: 514/a-k,m,u |
General Info: | 245/a Produced: 257/a 506/a,b,c,d,e,f,u,3 507/a,b 513/a,b 5l5/a Coverage: 522/a 525/a Original or duplicate materials: 535/a,b,c,d,3 540/a,b,c,d,u,e 555/a,b,c,d,u,3 561/a,b,3 563/a,u,3 567/a 580/a 585/a,3 Awards: 586/a Original Language: 765/a,b,c,d,g,h,t Series: 765/k Report Number: 765/r,u ISSN: 765/x Coden: 765/y Note: 765/m,n Uniform Title: 765/a Supplement t: 772/a,r-u,x-z Former title: 547/a Issued wit: 777/a,s,t,x,y Version: 562/a,b,c,d,e,3 Organization: 351/a,b,c,3 Preferred citation: 524/a Associated materials: 544/a,b,c,d,e,3 Physical characteristics: 755/a,x,y,z,3 Occupation: 656/a,k,v,x,y,z,3 Function: 657/a,v,x,y,z,3 Curriculum objective: 586/a,d National bibliography no: 015/a Constituent item: 774/a-v,z-z 552/a-p,u,z 581/a,z 584/a,b,3 Taxonomatic: 754/a,c,d,z Has subseries: 762/a,b,c,d,g,h,i,k,m,n,o,r,s,t,u Translated as: 767/a,b,c,d,g,h,i,k,m,n,o,r,s,t,u Other editions available: 775/a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,k,m,n,o,r,s,t Other formats available: 776/a,b,c,d,g,h,i,k,m,n,o,r,s,t,u 526/3,5,a-v,x-y Source of data: 537/a-v,x-z 786/a-v,x-z Related files: 582/3,a,p,v,x-z Component Item: 789/a-v,x-z 799/a-v,x-z |
Class Descrpt: | LC: 050/a Dewey: 082/abr> UDC: 080/a GovDoc: 086/a,z GPO Item No: 074/a NLC: 055/a NLM: 060/a NAL: 070/a Geographic: 052/a,b |
Other Titles: | 130/a,d,f,g,k-p,r-t 210/a 222/a,b 246/a,b,f,g,i,n,p 247/a,b,f-h,n,p,x 730/a,d,f,g,k-p,r-t,x 740/a,n,p Related item: 787/a,s,t |
Earlier Title: | 780/a-d,g,k,r-u,w,x-z |
Later Title: | 785/a-d,g,k,r-u,w,x-z |
Responsibility: | 245/c 508/a |
Vendor Info: | 938/a,(b),c Status: 938/a Note: 938/z |
Material Type: | Material type derived from various parts of the record, especially Leader 06-07, 006, 007, 008, 500, 502, 538 and 856. |
Document Type: | Document type derived from Leader 06-07 and 856 field. |
Date of Entry: | 008 entry date |
Update: | 008 update date |
Accession Number: | OCLC: 001 |