Edit WorldCat knowledge base collections with user interface 1:44 pm - 3:35 pm Thursday, November 7, 2024 | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) WEBVTT 1 Mindy Tran 00:03:37.220 --> 00:03:47.740 What I'd like to welcome everyone to edit Worldcat knowledge base collections with user interface. My name is Mindy Tran and I will be leading the session today. 2 Mindy Tran 00:03:49.700 --> 00:03:56.300 This online course is meant to provide you with instruction on Worldcat knowledge base collections. 3 Mindy Tran 00:03:58.380 --> 00:04:17.459 Including searching for these collections selecting or selecting the entire collection or subset of titles in the, in the collection as well as adding local knowledge based collection. All of this using the world share collection manager interface. 4 Mindy Tran 00:04:29.060 --> 00:04:47.820 I've. I've already laid out our agenda for today, we'll have a really quick introduction to Worldcap knowledge base, just a review really for those of you who did not attend or view our class on world share collection Manager, what it is and how libraries use it. 5 Mindy Tran 00:04:48.980 --> 00:05:06.380 We'll log in and navigate collection manager just making sure that you are aware of, of the different areas that will be significant or useful as you are working within collection manage and with knowledge based collections. 6 Mindy Tran 00:05:07.940 --> 00:05:08.420 Then we'll. 7 Mindy Tran 00:05:09.860 --> 00:05:30.300 Go in and search for knowledge based collections specifically and talk about selecting and editing existing knowledge base collections. And of course making sure that if the collection that you are looking for doesn't exist or doesn't work for you, how you can create local knowledge base colle. 8 Mindy Tran 00:05:30.660 --> 00:05:47.660 To represent your resources. And of course making sure we're gonna touch on very briefly the activity history, searching for the activity history to see what has been performed in your collection manager instance for example if. 9 Mindy Tran 00:05:48.900 --> 00:05:54.060 Besides yourself, if anyone else that your institution may have created a. 10 Mindy Tran 00:05:55.540 --> 00:06:01.420 Local knowledge base collection or have made some edits to local knowledge base collections, for instance. 11 Mindy Tran 00:06:09.660 --> 00:06:28.380 Libraries use worldcat knowledge based collections to allow other service OCLC services to provide easy access to their electronic resources and search results like within Worldcap discovery. To quickly and easily share their libraries. 12 Mindy Tran 00:06:28.620 --> 00:06:34.100 Electronic resources with other libraries using services like Worldchair ILL. 13 Mindy Tran 00:06:35.820 --> 00:06:43.940 To manage budgeting, ordering or acquisition of their electronic resources if they're using the service like world Chair acquisitions. 14 Mindy Tran 00:06:46.500 --> 00:07:06.580 You want to control access rights and link resolution to your libraries of electronic resources using worldchair license Manager or if your library is not using the services that I just mentioned, you can develop your own custom solutions that would embed. 15 Mindy Tran 00:07:07.060 --> 00:07:13.860 Your libraries Worldcat knowledge base collections with using the Worldcat knowledge base API. 16 Mindy Tran 00:07:18.140 --> 00:07:24.020 When we talk about the Worldcap knowledge base, we are talking about. 17 Mindy Tran 00:07:26.220 --> 00:07:31.220 It contains information on the provider, what collections the provider. 18 Mindy Tran 00:07:33.260 --> 00:07:52.900 Has made available in the war Cap knowledge base. The titles that make up that collection, which contains the name of the title of the co of the, of the journal or the ebook, the ISSN or ISBN, and if there is an OCLC number for the. 19 Mindy Tran 00:07:53.100 --> 00:08:10.460 Record in the Worldcap database associated with that title, it will include the included in that title information. Coverage information if it's a an e journal, for instance. As well as link to the item out in the provider's. 20 Mindy Tran 00:08:20.020 --> 00:08:38.740 Typically, libraries can represent their electronic resources collections in the Worldcap knowledge base by either selecting and editing existing collections or creating, new local knowledge base collections to represent those. 21 Mindy Tran 00:08:39.140 --> 00:08:39.580 Resources. 22 Mindy Tran 00:08:42.539 --> 00:08:46.220 We will touch on how to do both in the session today. 23 Mindy Tran 00:08:51.740 --> 00:09:03.660 To access collection manager, your library has a unique worldchair URL, and it can be found in your libraries welcome email from OCLC, and you can also. 24 Mindy Tran 00:09:05.420 --> 00:09:16.540 Find this URL at the OCLC service page, but you would need to have access a username and account to access world share collection manager. 25 Mindy Tran 00:09:18.380 --> 00:09:38.380 If your library has an OCLC, full catalogging subscription, you do have access to worldchair collection manager, but you need to request that. It's not, even though it's part of your subscription, the access to it is not automatic, you have to request access to collection manager. 26 Mindy Tran 00:09:41.860 --> 00:09:49.180 We do recommend that you use the latest versions of these browsers to access walkchair collection manager. 27 Mindy Tran 00:10:02.340 --> 00:10:21.380 In collection manager. You can search by collections. You can search by titles within the collection. You can search by providers of the collection. You can search for data sync collections specifically if you work with data sync collection, it is, it uses. 28 Mindy Tran 00:10:21.540 --> 00:10:29.980 The collection manager interface. You can also search the activity history, which in this class we will touch on briefly. 29 Mindy Tran 00:10:33.300 --> 00:10:51.820 You can find Worldcap knowledge based collections that's available in the global Worldcat knowledge base. You can find knowledge base collections that your library created. You can also with this searching capable option in collection manager look. 30 Mindy Tran 00:10:52.540 --> 00:11:07.820 Find query collections as well as workout knowledge worldcap catalogging partner collections that your library created. And of course, as you can see there, data sync collection that your library created. 31 Mindy Tran 00:11:11.780 --> 00:11:17.900 For today's session, we will focus specifically on looking at and looking for. 32 Mindy Tran 00:11:19.180 --> 00:11:21.220 Worldcap knowledge base collections only. 33 Mindy Tran 00:11:25.980 --> 00:11:33.740 Any questions before we go out to I switched my screen here to world share to take a look. 34 Mindy Tran 00:11:37.100 --> 00:11:41.260 So for today's session, I am using Firefox to access. 35 Mindy Tran 00:11:44.180 --> 00:11:47.420 Collection manager. I'm gonna go ahead and refresh this screen here. 36 Mindy Tran 00:11:49.500 --> 00:12:09.380 And when I come here I have username and password I'll just go ahead and fill that in. I have this saved so that I don't have to memorize it. I'll just go ahead and sign in. If this is the first time that you're accessing collection manager, you may have instructions on how to go in and set and reset your password for the user. 37 Mindy Tran 00:12:10.140 --> 00:12:11.580 For your username, ok? 38 Mindy Tran 00:12:13.140 --> 00:12:14.300 But I'll go ahead and sign in. 39 Mindy Tran 00:12:19.700 --> 00:12:30.220 So in order to search for and work with knowledge based collections, you will need to open collection manager and to do this on the top, you'll see a number of. 40 Mindy Tran 00:12:31.780 --> 00:12:35.820 Links to the various modules within world share. 41 Mindy Tran 00:12:38.540 --> 00:12:58.060 What you have access to or what you see here will your depend on your account, what permissions you have in terms of whether you have access to metadata, whether you, your job responsibility includes acquisitions or circulation or inter library loan. 42 Mindy Tran 00:13:00.260 --> 00:13:01.580 It also depends on what. 43 Mindy Tran 00:13:02.980 --> 00:13:23.260 Services or what services your library subscribe to. So for this is a training account, so we have access to all of the modules within within the world share platform. But for you, you may only have access to the metadata module and not to acquisitions or cir. 44 Mindy Tran 00:13:23.740 --> 00:13:35.660 If your library does not subscribe to worldchair management services or you won't see licenses if your library does not subscribe to OCLC license manager, for instance. 45 Mindy Tran 00:13:38.780 --> 00:13:41.420 So to begin, click on the metadata link. 46 Mindy Tran 00:13:43.180 --> 00:13:56.940 And then down the left hand side, again, you'll see a number of panels. Everything that most everything that you need to do within collection manager can be found under the collection manager accordion or panel on the left hand side here. 47 Mindy Tran 00:14:01.100 --> 00:14:21.540 Some of the tasks that you can do within collection Manager includes searching. So this area right here where my mouse is kind of slowly forming a square. This is where you can search for the different types of collection that I mentioned, specifically knowledge based collection, the default data type is collection, but if I click here, you'. 48 Mindy Tran 00:14:21.900 --> 00:14:41.700 I can search by title, provider, etc. I can also limit my scope, the default is my selected collections, but there's also if you want to find everything, not just those collections that your library already selected or at least have one title in the collection selected or. 49 Mindy Tran 00:14:42.340 --> 00:14:43.140 If you've created. 50 Mindy Tran 00:14:44.660 --> 00:14:59.980 The collection. Or you can scope or filter and say, I only want you to find me results for collections where I did not create or did not select any titles in the collection. 51 Mindy Tran 00:15:03.900 --> 00:15:10.700 Search term box, you can type it in the terms that you want to search, search for. 52 Mindy Tran 00:15:12.780 --> 00:15:29.740 Create a collection will be visiting this a little bit later on, but this is where you can go in and create new new collections, whether it's new local knowledge base collections or new catalogging partner collections, for instance. You can find that under create a collection. 53 Mindy Tran 00:15:31.940 --> 00:15:45.940 I want to open up institution settings here and just go over some accordion that's specific to knowledge working with knowledge based collections. Now you maybe revisiting this if you work with other types of collections. 54 Mindy Tran 00:15:47.700 --> 00:15:53.540 One of the collection accordion that you may find of interest is the knowledge base data. 55 Mindy Tran 00:15:55.060 --> 00:16:15.340 Accordion, and this is where you can customize settings for library specific automated collection feeds, like your data sources, and third party holding file upload to your knowledge base collections like alternate knowledge base supplier file upload if you are uploading it file. 56 Mindy Tran 00:16:17.260 --> 00:16:18.460 Sources, ok? 57 Mindy Tran 00:16:22.660 --> 00:16:24.820 The other one that is of interest. 58 Mindy Tran 00:16:27.380 --> 00:16:35.740 We do recommend under data source to leave the default setting libraries typically don't need to change this unless. 59 Mindy Tran 00:16:37.420 --> 00:16:43.260 Your discontinuing a particular loading service. Otherwise, you don't have to worry about. 60 Mindy Tran 00:16:45.100 --> 00:16:48.060 Making any changes to the knowledge base data source. 61 Mindy Tran 00:16:54.700 --> 00:17:13.860 Proxy and authentication is probably another one that maybe of interest to you working with knowledge base collection. This is where you can customize your proxy information to manage access to materials for your off campus users. You can create Google scholar links. 62 Mindy Tran 00:17:14.980 --> 00:17:17.140 By sending your journal titles to Google. 63 Mindy Tran 00:17:24.740 --> 00:17:38.700 The other one, is the provider settings. Now, this is where you customize provider specific identifiers in order for links to resolve to full tax for your users. Some provider have. 64 Mindy Tran 00:17:40.580 --> 00:17:58.540 Specific settings that you may need to enter, for instance, if you have, if you subscribe to collections from J store, for instance, they may require open admins domain name that only can come from your provider or it may, if you have. 65 Mindy Tran 00:18:00.620 --> 00:18:16.580 Have collections from Iris education, for instance, they may require you to put in a specific library ID in order to authenticate your users for, to access the full text content on their platform. 66 Mindy Tran 00:18:21.140 --> 00:18:21.340 That's. 67 Mindy Tran 00:18:31.540 --> 00:18:50.780 The other thing that is very useful here when you're in the world Chair interface is that if you need help for any reason, you don't have to go outside of the interface, you can link to the online help from here. So at the top right hand side, you'll see an option for need help if you click on. 68 Mindy Tran 00:18:51.620 --> 00:19:05.180 Down arrow here, you can click on general help to open up the OCLC support for the pro collection manager. You'll navigate to metadata services. 69 Mindy Tran 00:19:06.980 --> 00:19:11.380 World Share collection manager, and then one of the. 70 Mindy Tran 00:19:12.940 --> 00:19:22.540 Great thing is that you can scroll down and see all of the help for collection manager or you can click on choose your collection manager workflow link here, and. 71 Mindy Tran 00:19:24.300 --> 00:19:44.620 Let's say that you need to know about knowledge based collections, you can go ahead and click on that and it will aggregate and bring together all of the resources for knowledge regarding knowledge based collections or query collections, if you're unsure of what workflow you need, there's information to help you with. 72 Mindy Tran 00:19:45.020 --> 00:19:47.940 To identify which is the best. 73 Mindy Tran 00:19:50.060 --> 00:19:57.220 Type of help that you would need. So if you're working with a vendor that says you need to get automated holdings feed from collection manager. 74 Mindy Tran 00:19:59.780 --> 00:20:17.580 Knowledge based collection help is where you would go, ok? Since the help opens up on a separate tab or a separate window from within your, once you've logged into world chair, you can just close that out and be back here with the, in world in worldchair. 75 Mindy Tran 00:20:21.020 --> 00:20:21.580 Questions about that? 76 Mindy Tran 00:20:25.060 --> 00:20:26.580 So now let's talk about searching. 77 Mindy Tran 00:20:30.180 --> 00:20:49.820 In collection manager for knowledge based collections. So the default when you log in and access collection manager, the data type is collection. You can, and the scope, the default scope is my selected collections. If you leave the search term blocks box. 78 Mindy Tran 00:20:50.740 --> 00:21:10.820 Empty and just click search to execute this collection manager will return your libraries collections selected in the global Worldcap knowledge base and any collections that your library has created. It can be knowledge based collections or query collections or. 79 Mindy Tran 00:21:12.420 --> 00:21:30.860 Catalogging partner collections that your library has created. So this scope would bring back any collections that your library has selected in the global Worldcap knowledge base or any lib, any collection that your library has created in collection Manager. 80 Mindy Tran 00:21:31.860 --> 00:21:32.100 Okay. 81 Mindy Tran 00:21:35.180 --> 00:21:35.660 You can also. 82 Mindy Tran 00:21:37.700 --> 00:21:57.300 If you're saying, well, I'm looking for everything or I'm looking for collections that my library has not selected, I know that we, that this is a brand new collection or I want to look for all of the collections that we didn't create, that exist in the global knowledge base or I'm looking for everything. 83 Mindy Tran 00:21:59.340 --> 00:22:17.420 Keep in mind, when you look for everything that is twenty about twenty six thousand plus collections in the global Worldcat knowledge base plus collections that your library has created. So it could take a while for the results to come back. Okay. 84 Mindy Tran 00:22:19.260 --> 00:22:32.220 So if I do that and I execute the search again, leaving the search term blank, I'm saying that give me return everything and there's over twenty nine thousand collections in the. 85 Mindy Tran 00:22:34.180 --> 00:22:44.340 Under this if i'm searching for or having collection manager return everything. As a navigation on the left hand side, you'll notice that there's a couple of, of. 86 Mindy Tran 00:22:46.500 --> 00:23:06.060 Tabs that are open here. So instead of executing a search for all the selected collections again, I can navigate to my selected collections and say I want to look at the search results for just the selected collections or the search results for all collections without having to execute. 87 Mindy Tran 00:23:06.340 --> 00:23:07.100 The search again. 88 Mindy Tran 00:23:10.900 --> 00:23:29.180 Now I wanted to show you when you do a collection data type search, the results screen that you see here, you'll see the collection name and its hyperlink that so that you can view the collection detail including individual titles within the collection. The collection. 89 Mindy Tran 00:23:29.420 --> 00:23:29.660 ID. 90 Mindy Tran 00:23:32.100 --> 00:23:51.140 Has been assigned, the type of collection and any attributes that have been assigned to it. So this is a knowledge base collection. It's telling me that it has been marked as data driven acquisitions and the marked delivery for this collection has been disabled. 91 Mindy Tran 00:23:52.540 --> 00:24:00.420 Live, my library is not have is choosing not to get mark records for titles in this collection. That's. 92 Mindy Tran 00:24:02.660 --> 00:24:21.780 If I look at the collection academic food sciences, you'll notice that it is marked record is disabled, but you'll also notice that this collection is an OCLC catalog collection meaning that OCLC staff have worked with the provider to catalog the titles in these collection in Worldcap. 93 Mindy Tran 00:24:25.060 --> 00:24:45.540 The provider name and some of the provider name, if there is one, it is hyperlinked and if you click on it, you can have collection manager return all of the collections with the provider, say, one, two, three library, ok? When the collection was last updated or created in co. 94 Mindy Tran 00:24:45.540 --> 00:24:56.260 Collection manager, and of course because I am saying that these collections are all selected, you'll notice that under selections, it's showing me that all of the. 95 Mindy Tran 00:24:58.020 --> 00:25:15.020 At least one title in the collection happened cre selected or if it's a collection that my library created, it will show that it has been selected because I've even if there is no titles in the collection because I, my library created that collection. 96 Mindy Tran 00:25:17.620 --> 00:25:36.380 You'll notice that even if one title, even if it's a global collection, like the academic food sciences, but there's at least one title selected, it will say that it's selected by my library. The sharing column just to indicate if it's there is any that whether this collection information. 97 Mindy Tran 00:25:36.740 --> 00:25:45.580 Has been shared to my library by another library, knowledge based library or I, my library is sharing the data in this collection with. 98 Mindy Tran 00:25:47.140 --> 00:25:48.300 Another knowledge base library. 99 Mindy Tran 00:25:49.780 --> 00:25:55.540 You may see it if there is a consortium of library of library that. 100 Mindy Tran 00:25:57.540 --> 00:26:14.140 Has access and a lib one library within that consortium creates the, the collection first, they may share it with everyone else in their consortium so that the the individual libraries won't have to create them, ok? 101 Mindy Tran 00:26:20.940 --> 00:26:31.180 If I, if I feel that eighteen collection is a lot, one of the things that you can do is you can use the filter by up here and filter by the collection type. 102 Mindy Tran 00:26:32.700 --> 00:26:52.820 Filter by collections that your library created, filter by open access collection or collections that have been discontinued, maybe, the provider has not sent OCLC and updates for more than six months. So some of those collection may have been set as discontinued to indicate that it hasn't been. 103 Mindy Tran 00:26:53.180 --> 00:27:12.500 Updated in a while. And your, maybe that is a way for you to go in and say, well, if the provider isn't sending updates to OCLC anymore and we're not subscribing to it, we want to find those collections and remove our selection from those collections. 104 Mindy Tran 00:27:14.660 --> 00:27:17.900 Or if you are ready and you want to find all of those. 105 Mindy Tran 00:27:19.900 --> 00:27:35.780 Collections that have marked record, delivery disabled so that you can enable them now that you have, create selected them all, have edited them the way that you wanted and now you want to enable them all so that you can get marked records. 106 Mindy Tran 00:27:39.740 --> 00:27:52.020 Some of the things that you can do or sharing with libraries or you can use prox that has proxy for instance, so that you can enable or disable proxy. 107 Mindy Tran 00:27:54.380 --> 00:28:14.060 One of the things about filter is that it's dynamic, so depending on the scope that you use, so with my selected, you'll notice that you have a lot of scope that you can filter your collections. But if I navigate over to the search with all collections, you will notice that my filter. 108 Mindy Tran 00:28:15.700 --> 00:28:18.460 Options are a lot less because. 109 Mindy Tran 00:28:20.100 --> 00:28:21.900 These show collections that. 110 Mindy Tran 00:28:23.380 --> 00:28:33.500 That I have not selected at all, so I won't have the option to enable or disable proxy at this from here or filter by proxy or filter by. 111 Mindy Tran 00:28:36.020 --> 00:28:49.340 Mark record type, for instance, because in order to enable mark records, you would first need to select titles and so you want to, so the filter by is dynamic. 112 Mindy Tran 00:28:50.740 --> 00:28:54.380 Depending on the scope that you use to limit your query. 113 Mindy Tran 00:29:01.540 --> 00:29:21.380 If you know specifically the collection name that you have and for the most part, when you are here, you probably will not be searching for all collections or all of my selected collections. You will probably be searching for a very specific collection name like if you are current. 114 Mindy Tran 00:29:21.380 --> 00:29:22.700 Currently subscribed to say. 115 Mindy Tran 00:29:24.740 --> 00:29:29.140 ProQuest, European business, you can just start typing. 116 Mindy Tran 00:29:32.340 --> 00:29:36.140 And it is keyword searching. So it can be in any order. 117 Mindy Tran 00:29:38.860 --> 00:29:39.300 And then. 118 Mindy Tran 00:29:41.300 --> 00:29:51.780 Enter or click search. And if you know that is a new collection that's not been selected, you probably want to have your scope to either all collections or not selected collections. 119 Mindy Tran 00:29:53.540 --> 00:29:57.260 And here's the collection, proquest European business. 120 Mindy Tran 00:29:59.260 --> 00:30:06.860 And I can click on it to open up the collection if I want to, which will see in a little bit. 121 Mindy Tran 00:30:10.540 --> 00:30:11.580 Now, what if. 122 Mindy Tran 00:30:13.340 --> 00:30:17.100 I want to, search by, let's say. 123 Mindy Tran 00:30:21.180 --> 00:30:39.140 I know that there's a lot of EPSCO collections in there. I know that my library it starts with Epsco, something or other. I might use the asterisk for as a wildcard to say that find me all collections that start with Epsco and anything. 124 Mindy Tran 00:30:40.780 --> 00:30:42.340 So if I execute this search. 125 Mindy Tran 00:30:44.060 --> 00:30:55.180 I might have quite a bit and it's gonna take a while for it to come back. So there's about a hundred and eleven title collections in there that starts with Epsco, ok? 126 Mindy Tran 00:31:01.340 --> 00:31:02.020 As you can see here. 127 Mindy Tran 00:31:10.820 --> 00:31:24.100 If you find that there's too many open tabs here and you don't need them anymore, it's a matter of just clicking on the X to close out that collection, really the that search result. 128 Mindy Tran 00:31:28.780 --> 00:31:48.260 What if you want to look for a specific title? You're not looking for collections but you're looking for a specific title. Under data type, you can just choose title, and the minute that you choose title, your scope stays the same if you've selected all titles previously and when you did a collection data. 129 Mindy Tran 00:31:48.780 --> 00:32:08.940 Type search, it will stay all collections until you change it to another scope. But you'll notice that when you choose the title, there's an additional index here and from here you can be more specific. You can search by keyword in the title by the only the words in the ti by keyword and it can. 130 Mindy Tran 00:32:09.700 --> 00:32:13.540 Anywhere in the title, it can be in the provider name. 131 Mindy Tran 00:32:14.900 --> 00:32:35.220 Or you can search for the terms that you type in specifically only in the title of the journal or ebook or you're searching for it by the ISBN number. So of the title. So if I have an ISBN, for an ebook, for example. 132 Mindy Tran 00:32:35.940 --> 00:32:41.700 I can just go ahead and choose the title index ISBN, type in the ISBN number. 133 Mindy Tran 00:32:50.300 --> 00:32:52.660 Oh, I must have typed something wrong line. 134 Mindy Tran 00:32:56.060 --> 00:32:56.620 Two eight six. 135 Mindy Tran 00:32:59.500 --> 00:32:59.980 Three six. 136 Mindy Tran 00:33:02.180 --> 00:33:02.940 An additional number. 137 Mindy Tran 00:33:06.420 --> 00:33:07.580 So I get. 138 Mindy Tran 00:33:09.220 --> 00:33:12.900 The ebook where the ISPN number is here. 139 Mindy Tran 00:33:16.340 --> 00:33:34.580 And the same thing if you have OCLC number or ISSN number, you would choose that index. With ISSN, if you enter the eight digit ISSN, you need to make sure that you enter the hyphen between within used in the is. 140 Mindy Tran 00:33:34.860 --> 00:33:43.620 ISSN for the journal. If you enter the ISSN without the hyphen, notice what happens. You get zero results. 141 Mindy Tran 00:33:47.780 --> 00:33:49.140 But if I include the hyphen. 142 Mindy Tran 00:33:52.420 --> 00:33:55.620 I get the results that I expect, ok? 143 Mindy Tran 00:34:06.300 --> 00:34:25.139 Any questions before we move on to talking about provider? I do see a couple of questions. If the type attribute column says discontinued, what does that mean? It means that OCLC has not received updates from that provider for I believe at least six. 144 Mindy Tran 00:34:26.700 --> 00:34:45.100 There hasn't been any updates from the provider, no new titles have been added, no new titles, no titles have been removed, and so OCLC marks it as discontinued to let libraries know that there hasn't been any recent updates from, from the provider. 145 Mindy Tran 00:34:45.980 --> 00:34:49.659 It could also mean that the provider no longer offers. 146 Mindy Tran 00:34:54.379 --> 00:34:59.460 That collection for subscription or purchase, and that can be a way for libraries to. 147 Mindy Tran 00:35:01.860 --> 00:35:14.780 To filter by those discontinued collection to remove your selection, your title from that collection and maybe select another collection that the provider is providing updates for. 148 Mindy Tran 00:35:23.620 --> 00:35:25.700 Does that answer your question? 149 Mindy Tran 00:35:31.420 --> 00:35:50.420 You'll notice that when you do a title data type search, the search result looks a little bit different than the co do doing a search by the collection data type. So you have the title of the e journal or ebooked depending on whether it's a collection of ebook or e journal. The collection. 150 Mindy Tran 00:35:52.060 --> 00:36:11.820 That contains this title, what type of material is it a journal and if it is, is it abstract or is it a, has full text access? Because this is a journ a collection, excuse me, because this is a journal title, the coverage information. 151 Mindy Tran 00:36:12.380 --> 00:36:13.300 Includes, is it. 152 Mindy Tran 00:36:15.380 --> 00:36:29.180 From when, from ninth your there's access for this title in this collection from nineteen eighty four to the presents ongoing. For let's say. 153 Mindy Tran 00:36:31.460 --> 00:36:40.260 This one for Alaska history in the medline collection, there's only abstracts that are available from nineteen eighty six to two thousand three. 154 Mindy Tran 00:36:42.740 --> 00:36:51.700 You get the idea. And you'll notice that under selection it says that this title, my library did not select it. Okay. 155 Mindy Tran 00:36:56.220 --> 00:37:01.460 One last thing before we go in and and talk about selecting. 156 Mindy Tran 00:37:03.500 --> 00:37:05.220 These titles and editing existing. 157 Mindy Tran 00:37:06.900 --> 00:37:23.100 Collections is searching by provider maybe if you're working with collection manager, not knowledge based collections for the first time or maybe you have a number of collections that you want to select. 158 Mindy Tran 00:37:25.260 --> 00:37:29.180 Knowledge based collection you want to select in collection manager here. 159 Mindy Tran 00:37:30.980 --> 00:37:40.180 And you don't want to search by individual titles, you have a number of them by providers, it maybe easier to search by the provider name. 160 Mindy Tran 00:37:41.980 --> 00:38:00.660 And so under the data type, you can choose provider, and again, the scope remains the same until you change it. You can clear out the search term and maybe I want to find all of the collections by proquest, ok? And I can do that. 161 Mindy Tran 00:38:02.420 --> 00:38:22.820 If I just type in proquest and you can see here pro quest proquest book ebook central, but you'll notice that on the right hand side under selection O Reilly, there's four collections by O Reilly, but my library selected zero collections. There are six hundred and fi. 162 Mindy Tran 00:38:22.820 --> 00:38:24.900 Fifty three collections by ProQuest. 163 Mindy Tran 00:38:26.900 --> 00:38:46.860 By the provider proquest. We didn't select any. Proquest book is still in here. We don't have any collections by them. So you'll see as you go down the list, the left hand side is the number of collections that have been selected at my my library on the right hand side is the number of collections that's. 164 Mindy Tran 00:38:49.700 --> 00:38:50.380 The knowledge base. 165 Mindy Tran 00:38:52.300 --> 00:39:09.860 And if I click on just say the number four here under proquest K through twelve, it will display the four collections that are available here and from here I can then either select my titles or look at the individual titles in the collection. 166 Mindy Tran 00:39:15.980 --> 00:39:16.580 Questions about that? 167 Mindy Tran 00:39:27.020 --> 00:39:38.460 So in the session today, we'll talk about how you can add your knowledge base collection data to collection manager. There are the automatic loading of. 168 Mindy Tran 00:39:40.380 --> 00:39:53.380 Library specific collections. So you can have your electronic collections automatically sent from your providers to OCLC for loading into collection manager. Not all co. 169 Mindy Tran 00:39:55.100 --> 00:39:57.540 Providers offer this option. 170 Mindy Tran 00:39:59.260 --> 00:40:03.980 But they're in your, handout, in your learner guide, there's information on. 171 Mindy Tran 00:40:05.980 --> 00:40:13.420 The providers that do offer this and when you click into the information about that provider, it will have. 172 Mindy Tran 00:40:14.940 --> 00:40:26.660 Steps on how to get started, how you can contact the provider and say that you ask the provider to work with OCLC to make this happen for your library, ok? 173 Mindy Tran 00:40:28.300 --> 00:40:30.860 Or, you can go into. 174 Mindy Tran 00:40:32.900 --> 00:40:52.580 Collection manager, search for the knowledge base collections, and select and or edit the existing knowledge base collections once you've locate them in the global knowledge base. Or if you can't find an existing collection, you can always create a new local knowle. 175 Mindy Tran 00:40:52.580 --> 00:41:12.420 Knowledge base collection to have your knowledge, your e resources represented in the knowledge base. Now you can use all three options to add your knowledge base collections to collection manager depending on your library's workflow. 176 Mindy Tran 00:41:13.100 --> 00:41:32.500 As well as the collections that's being added. So because not all providers offer library specific collection automatic loading, you may need to go in and search for collections, using collection manager or in some cases you may also need to create local knowledge base collections if. 177 Mindy Tran 00:41:34.100 --> 00:41:36.500 The collection you are looking for doesn't exist. 178 Mindy Tran 00:41:38.860 --> 00:41:46.820 So we'll look at those two options is edit existing collections and create new local collections using the interface. 179 Mindy Tran 00:41:53.460 --> 00:42:13.500 Once you've to select an entire collection, you log in, you navigate to collection manager, you know the collection name, you search for that collection, you review the collection content, maybe just spot check to make sure that these, this is the titles and the collection and then you select the collection to say that your. 180 Mindy Tran 00:42:13.860 --> 00:42:19.940 Your library purchase or subscribe to all of the titles in the collection. And then now. 181 Mindy Tran 00:42:22.540 --> 00:42:25.900 It becomes accessible and the, and available. 182 Mindy Tran 00:42:27.340 --> 00:42:35.300 If your library use will discovery too. Also, then when a user performs a search in Worldcap discovery. 183 Mindy Tran 00:42:40.100 --> 00:42:44.620 If a match is found, it will display to your users that there is. 184 Mindy Tran 00:42:45.980 --> 00:42:55.580 Content from the e resources and it from the users from there can click and link through to the provider's platform to view the full text content if. 185 Mindy Tran 00:42:58.540 --> 00:43:00.620 It's available. To your users. 186 Mindy Tran 00:43:07.140 --> 00:43:24.900 Or maybe you didn't subscribe or purchase the everything in that collection. You only subscribe to a subset of titles. You can, when you find that collection in that knowledge base collection in collection manager, you can. 187 Mindy Tran 00:43:25.540 --> 00:43:36.260 Either browse for the individual titles that your library subscribed to or search for them, review the title information and select one title at the title manually. 188 Mindy Tran 00:43:41.700 --> 00:43:44.860 That's. Questions about that before we go out and take a look here? 189 Mindy Tran 00:43:49.380 --> 00:43:59.220 I'm gonna switch my screen again back to world chair collection Manager here. And so my library just purchased a couple of new collections and we need to. 190 Mindy Tran 00:44:02.340 --> 00:44:21.860 To the knowledge base to let our users know that we do have access to that they now will have access to the titles in this collection and these collections so that when they do a search and say We'll discovery, it will show up in the results so that they can access the full text content. 191 Mindy Tran 00:44:22.660 --> 00:44:34.500 For the titles in this collection. One is an ebook collection called Economic society Monographs online by Cambridge. The other one is an e journal collection. 192 Mindy Tran 00:44:36.020 --> 00:44:56.420 Proquest European business by ProQuest. Since we know the collection name, we'll go ahead and search for these by the collection name, which is easier. I'll go ahead and close all the tab here just to make it cleaner to look at. I'm gonna clear my results and since i'm searching by collection under data type, I'm gonna select colle. 193 Mindy Tran 00:44:56.740 --> 00:45:04.060 Here from the dropdown. Their new collections, I'm gonna go ahead and I want to do an all collection search because I don't. 194 Mindy Tran 00:45:05.860 --> 00:45:09.060 Want to limit my scope to only my selected collections. 195 Mindy Tran 00:45:10.700 --> 00:45:13.700 I can go ahead and just type in the terms. 196 Mindy Tran 00:45:17.700 --> 00:45:24.460 I don't have to type it all just as much as I want or need. Execute the search and I see that it's here. 197 Mindy Tran 00:45:26.180 --> 00:45:31.380 By Camebridge University press, there are forty six titles in the collection. And if. 198 Mindy Tran 00:45:32.940 --> 00:45:44.860 Since we subscribe to all of the titles in this ebook collection from the search results screen here, I can choose to select all titles. However, if I want to review. 199 Mindy Tran 00:45:46.420 --> 00:45:49.900 The title, I can go ahead and click the. 200 Mindy Tran 00:45:51.500 --> 00:45:54.940 Hyperlink to the name of the collection here and open up the title. 201 Mindy Tran 00:45:56.700 --> 00:46:16.940 In a separate tab, and I can see it takes me straight to the titles accordion and opens up and there are current, these are the titles in the collection. If they look good to me, I can select manually select one title at a time going down the list until I. 202 Mindy Tran 00:46:17.700 --> 00:46:19.100 All forty six titles or. 203 Mindy Tran 00:46:21.060 --> 00:46:27.660 I can go up to the collections actions dropdown menu here, and then say select collection. 204 Mindy Tran 00:46:30.700 --> 00:46:31.620 Now, when I do that. 205 Mindy Tran 00:46:33.060 --> 00:46:53.500 Collection manager will reindex this collection and it will then show that my live, my library have selected all the titles in this collection. And depending on how many users are logged into worldchair and collection manager at the same time, my. 206 Mindy Tran 00:46:53.580 --> 00:47:14.020 My internet access as well as how big the collection is, it may take it maybe done very quickly or it may take a little bit of time to do that. While the system is still indexing, there are a few things I wanted to point out on the screen right now that will make a difference. You. 207 Mindy Tran 00:47:14.020 --> 00:47:29.940 You'll notice that once you select all the titles in the collection, you see an option that shows up right here, auto select titles. What this means is that if this option is selected, which is selected by default, when you choose to select all titles. 208 Mindy Tran 00:47:31.340 --> 00:47:34.420 In the collection, is that if. 209 Mindy Tran 00:47:38.380 --> 00:47:58.620 This automates the selection of new titles for your library when the provider adds new titles to this collection. So if let's say you Cambridge University, maybe three months later will be adding like five new titles to this collection. Instead of you having to go back into. 210 Mindy Tran 00:47:58.900 --> 00:48:01.460 To this collection and select those five titles. 211 Mindy Tran 00:48:03.980 --> 00:48:23.020 When OCLC receives the updated information from the provider, those five titles will automatically be selected for your for your library. So that's what that option means. If you don't want that, you can always uncheck it, but then the. 212 Mindy Tran 00:48:24.260 --> 00:48:39.340 You would need to go back in here whenever new titles are added, you may you'll get informed by the provider, you will have to go in and search for this collection and select those say five titles yourself. Okay. 213 Mindy Tran 00:48:43.460 --> 00:48:50.660 From the search here, let me uncheck this. It's taking a while to index so it still locked for indexing. 214 Mindy Tran 00:48:52.700 --> 00:48:53.100 I'm. 215 Mindy Tran 00:48:57.700 --> 00:49:05.580 And it's taking a little bit of time so I can't show you the next part that I wanted to, but once the. 216 Mindy Tran 00:49:08.660 --> 00:49:10.860 It shows that it's, complete or. 217 Mindy Tran 00:49:12.420 --> 00:49:27.580 Has been selected, let me see if I can get it to you. Do this again. Sometimes because within Webex, it can take a while. So once it's shown that it's selected, you can. 218 Mindy Tran 00:49:29.860 --> 00:49:49.380 If you click on it, if you need to make any sort of edits to the metadata for the title, you can click on that title, like a theory of fairness, and Social welfare. If I click on the first title here, it opens it up in its own tab, and I can navigate between the individual title, the. 219 Mindy Tran 00:49:49.580 --> 00:50:07.220 The collection, and the search results for, that I want to search for this collection. Within the title, you'll notice that you have two tabs. Global and local, ok? And what this means is that. 220 Mindy Tran 00:50:08.900 --> 00:50:29.060 You can easily identify the fields that you can edit within each tab. Notice that under the global tab, you can edit title name, you can edit gov DOCs repository ID, you can edit OCLC number overrides so if you need to fix OCLC number or add additional ocl. 221 Mindy Tran 00:50:30.740 --> 00:50:50.780 This is where you can do that. If you need to edit the ISPN number, if for some reason the ISPN number was is incorrect or add additional ISPN number, notice that they're publishing details are not not all of the publishing detail are here. You can add that information in and you. 222 Mindy Tran 00:50:51.220 --> 00:51:01.900 Do that if you click in and it lights up, you know that you can add that information. But notice that under notes, you can't add anything because notes. 223 Mindy Tran 00:51:03.300 --> 00:51:05.300 Can only be edited in. 224 Mindy Tran 00:51:07.020 --> 00:51:24.300 In the local tab. Okay, so if I click over to the local tab, you'll notice I can't edit the title name in the local tab. I can't edit OCLC number or ISBN, but I can edit notes field in the local tab. The reason for this is because. 225 Mindy Tran 00:51:26.140 --> 00:51:45.500 Global changes, if you make a global change, it, the change is applicable to all libraries, like a title name. So if the title of this ebook is incorrect, if you make that change, then it would be applicable to everyone that has selected this title and. 226 Mindy Tran 00:51:46.100 --> 00:51:47.860 Everyone in the future, so it is. 227 Mindy Tran 00:51:49.220 --> 00:52:09.260 To the benefit of everyone if you know that this title is incorrect and you've made this fix and it would be advantageous for everyone that uses this title and uses this collection, same thing with the OCLC number as well as making changes to ISPN or adding additional details like the date. 228 Mindy Tran 00:52:09.700 --> 00:52:12.700 Of the ebook and the publisher of the ebook. 229 Mindy Tran 00:52:14.980 --> 00:52:17.020 The local data that you make here. 230 Mindy Tran 00:52:18.860 --> 00:52:38.780 It is applicable only to your library. So in the case of an ebook, there's not much that you can change. URL, title URL is specific to each library because it's authenticated based on your subscription or purchase with the provider. So the URL is. 231 Mindy Tran 00:52:39.140 --> 00:52:44.020 A local change that if you make that, it changes only for your library. 232 Mindy Tran 00:52:45.540 --> 00:53:05.540 As well as any local notes that's made. The other thing that is not seen here and we will see that in a little bit, is, a change to coverage information. If you're, if you, if you have a collection of e journal or, and if you're making a change to. 233 Mindy Tran 00:53:06.060 --> 00:53:25.700 Coverage information, then that coverage information is applicable only to your library because other libraries may have different coverage information, so you don't want to change the global coverage information. You'd only want to change the global information that affects your library, your access. 234 Mindy Tran 00:53:28.180 --> 00:53:41.300 So I can make a global change and I and I wanted to show you what that would look like. So if I went here to the title name and just very quickly just add something here just to show you. 235 Mindy Tran 00:53:43.860 --> 00:53:44.220 Oops. 236 Mindy Tran 00:53:49.620 --> 00:53:54.900 I I don't want to add an ACLC number, if I want to add a date, let's say. 237 Mindy Tran 00:53:56.820 --> 00:54:06.460 I don't want to add a publisher and then over in the local tab, I want to add a note. Let's say a staff note. 238 Mindy Tran 00:54:18.700 --> 00:54:38.540 Now, when I make a change to a title like this, up at the top, you'll see review and save. If you click on that, it will tell you now what you're updating. So the previous in the field staff note, there didn't used to be any data I've added, this is for a faculty. 239 Mindy Tran 00:54:38.820 --> 00:54:59.260 Use only. In the title name field, I, it used to just say this, I've added second edition. I've added a date in the, in the date field in the global and on the very last column here, you'll notice is this a local change? Is this a global change? Okay. 240 Mindy Tran 00:54:59.620 --> 00:55:01.900 It's telling me. So you have a chance. 241 Mindy Tran 00:55:03.300 --> 00:55:07.820 And I'm not going to do this because these changes I just wanted to demonstrate. 242 Mindy Tran 00:55:10.260 --> 00:55:19.780 For you to take a look again and make sure that you want to make the change. Local changes are fine. It only affects my library, it only affects my training. 243 Mindy Tran 00:55:22.580 --> 00:55:40.060 But I don't want to make a global change because this is not a real change. So or if I made an incorrect change, I don't want to, I can go ahead and cancel it and go back and fix the mistake because I don't want to make a global change that affects everyone with. 244 Mindy Tran 00:55:41.940 --> 00:56:01.780 Incorrect data, ok? If I know that these changes are correct, you can go ahead and click apply changes, but since they are not I'm gonna go ahead and cancel that out, go back to my global and remove all of this information or I can just, if I don't want to make changes anymore I can close out this title completely. 245 Mindy Tran 00:56:08.460 --> 00:56:17.740 And if I want to review and save again, now you'll notice that the only change that I'm making is a local change, I'll go ahead and accept that and apply changes. 246 Mindy Tran 00:56:19.660 --> 00:56:37.260 And now it's telling me that the changes have taken effect. Nothing has changed on the global side, but on the local side now, there isn't note and this note will show up as a staff note for your staff to be able to see it. It won't show to. 247 Mindy Tran 00:56:40.220 --> 00:56:46.580 The end users say on discovery side. It will only show to your staff if they log in with a staff account for instance. 248 Mindy Tran 00:56:54.500 --> 00:56:59.020 Now, one of the things that you can do. Is that if you. 249 Mindy Tran 00:57:03.620 --> 00:57:23.220 Subscribe to or purchase a collection, but you don't subscribe to the entire collection, it's only a subset of titles, so like the proquest European business for this collection, we didn't buy everything. We only p. 250 Mindy Tran 00:57:24.700 --> 00:57:27.100 Ten titles in the collection. 251 Mindy Tran 00:57:28.540 --> 00:57:34.220 So when I search for that collection and I find it, I don't want to select all titles. That's not. 252 Mindy Tran 00:57:35.900 --> 00:57:55.900 I want to open the collection up to view the individual titles in the collection, and then I want to find the collect the individual titles and review the information. So in this case, one of the collection, one of the title is British food Journal. I see that here. It is. 253 Mindy Tran 00:57:56.100 --> 00:58:08.580 Journal, we have full text access to it, from nineteen ninety two, which seems right. I'll go ahead and select the title to say that my library did purchase that, ok? 254 Mindy Tran 00:58:10.140 --> 00:58:15.820 You'll notice that because I didn't select everything, this auto select title did not. 255 Mindy Tran 00:58:18.820 --> 00:58:22.780 Automatically get selected. So because even if. 256 Mindy Tran 00:58:24.260 --> 00:58:43.180 ProQuest European business I have new titles added in the future, it doesn't necessarily mean that your library have purchased those titles. So this means that you would have to go in, find this collection, and if your library purchased future titles, you'd have to go in and find them and select. 257 Mindy Tran 00:58:45.500 --> 00:58:47.740 Those titles individually, ok? 258 Mindy Tran 00:58:49.060 --> 00:59:02.220 That's one way is to browse the titles in the collection to find the title that your library subscribed to and you'll notice now British food Journal says that you've selected, ok? 259 Mindy Tran 00:59:05.300 --> 00:59:23.220 You'll also notice that if you open up a title, I'm just gonna click one here like country monitor, this title you didn't select, you notice that you can't edit the title. So something to keep in mind. If you open up. 260 Mindy Tran 00:59:24.340 --> 00:59:24.780 A title. 261 Mindy Tran 00:59:26.820 --> 00:59:41.540 You've selected such as. British food journal, which shows that you've selected, then if you click on the title, you will be then be able to make changes to the metadata for the title. 262 Mindy Tran 00:59:43.540 --> 00:59:57.420 And you'll notice that under global, you can't make changes to the coverage. If there is a different coverage for your library, if your library does not have, have a. 263 Mindy Tran 00:59:59.060 --> 01:00:06.100 A shorter embargo for instance, you can go to the local tab and edit the coverage information. 264 Mindy Tran 01:00:09.780 --> 01:00:27.660 And here, you can say for my library, we don't have our embargo is not a hundred three hundred and sixty five days. It's only a hundred and eighty days and if I apply this, you'll notice that here's my local coverage versus the coverage. 265 Mindy Tran 01:00:28.460 --> 01:00:32.140 That is coming from the provider in general for everyone. 266 Mindy Tran 01:00:34.380 --> 01:00:34.580 Okay. 267 Mindy Tran 01:00:40.420 --> 01:00:41.100 Now, what if. 268 Mindy Tran 01:00:43.340 --> 01:01:02.780 I don't want it instead of, you know, browsing through and finding the individual titles within the hundred and fifty seven titles in pocrest European business here, I know the name of the title that my library or titles that my library subscribe to. You can just go to s. 269 Mindy Tran 01:01:02.820 --> 01:01:07.180 Search title here, type your title in. It's keyword search, so if I. 270 Mindy Tran 01:01:08.620 --> 01:01:14.980 Subscribe to Harvard International Review, I can just go ahead and do that, and I can. 271 Mindy Tran 01:01:16.500 --> 01:01:36.100 Want to make sure that your my selected collections is unchecked because you're looking for titles that you haven't selected yet in this collection and click on filter or just press enter, you will find just that title here, and then just select title. That's it. 272 Mindy Tran 01:01:37.820 --> 01:01:47.860 So that's another way of finding the individual titles without having to browse through pages and pages of titles if you have a large collection. 273 Mindy Tran 01:01:55.940 --> 01:02:14.020 One other thing I want to show you is let's say this is a global collection and the title that you are looking for doesn't exist in this OCLC may not have received the information yet your library have received this information first from the provider. 274 Mindy Tran 01:02:15.260 --> 01:02:30.580 In that case, you can come in here into this collection and you can go ahead and add a title, a global title to this collection because this is a global collection that's available to everyone. So you can go in and add a global title. 275 Mindy Tran 01:02:33.700 --> 01:02:40.220 In the dropdown, choose to create a title, enter in the name of the title, and I'm gonna. 276 Mindy Tran 01:02:44.580 --> 01:02:47.980 I'm making something up. So I'm I'm not adding it for real here. 277 Mindy Tran 01:02:55.620 --> 01:03:15.100 And you know that this is an e journal collection, so from the coverage depth, once you choose, you know that it's also full text, a journal full text access. I'm gonna go ahead and select that as my coverage depth and immediately everything else displays for me to then add the title metadata. 278 Mindy Tran 01:03:15.380 --> 01:03:17.460 To this. Coverage information. 279 Mindy Tran 01:03:20.100 --> 01:03:39.620 Title URL, OCLC associate OCLC number. If you know that OCLC number, the ISSN EISSN, the linking information that's here, you want to, the title ID, that's the linking key that comes from the title I url. 280 Mindy Tran 01:03:39.900 --> 01:03:59.940 From the provider. So it's the last part of your URL. If you want help identifying that title ID contact OCLC support for help because that linking I that title ID will be the linking key when OCLC receives a data from the. 281 Mindy Tran 01:04:00.140 --> 01:04:20.420 Provider instead of overriding the title that you've added here to this collection, it will merge the data with your data using that linking key, ok? I'm not going to save this because it, when I do that, it's gonna add it to the global collection and this is not a title that I want to. 282 Mindy Tran 01:04:20.740 --> 01:04:28.540 To the global collection, but I wanted to show you that that's a poss a possibility to do that, ok? 283 Mindy Tran 01:04:33.940 --> 01:04:34.660 Questions about that? 284 Mindy Tran 01:04:46.020 --> 01:04:47.020 Now, what happens if. 285 Mindy Tran 01:04:50.860 --> 01:05:07.860 Went in to the knowledge base, to collection manager to search for a specific collection, it's not there, maybe it's, a custom collection that you're, that's available from your library only. Maybe you want to add your print serials. 286 Mindy Tran 01:05:11.780 --> 01:05:31.420 The knowledge base so that they appear alongside your e journal so that the alongside the e journal. So even if let's say your library does not have access to that title, it will, it can show up in the A to Z list for your users that you do have print serials for this. 287 Mindy Tran 01:05:33.540 --> 01:05:39.340 And maybe they can visit your library to access that print serial or ask. 288 Mindy Tran 01:05:44.300 --> 01:05:46.260 Your library to. 289 Mindy Tran 01:05:48.300 --> 01:06:08.180 To create an inter library loan to request a copy of that print serial from another institution for instance, ok? Or it could just be that OCLC has not yet received the ebook or e journal collection that you subscribe to and you're the first one that has it and you can't wait and you want to add. 290 Mindy Tran 01:06:10.100 --> 01:06:15.700 That collection or collections into the knowledge base for your users to be able to have access to the content. 291 Mindy Tran 01:06:17.300 --> 01:06:25.340 And it could also be that you have access to databases and you want to add them to the knowledge base again for the AZ A to Z list. 292 Mindy Tran 01:06:28.740 --> 01:06:35.260 There are no titles associated with that database, ok? So you'd have to create a new collection. 293 Mindy Tran 01:06:36.900 --> 01:06:38.460 For that, that. 294 Mindy Tran 01:06:42.780 --> 01:07:03.140 When you create a new collection, login and we touch on a little bit, there's a an option to create a collection and that's where you can go in and create a new knowledge base local knowledge base collection only, for your library in order for that knowledge base colle. 295 Mindy Tran 01:07:03.420 --> 01:07:11.500 To be available to everyone and be part of the global knowledge base. There's an additional step that you'll need to take and we'll talk about that in. 296 Mindy Tran 01:07:13.180 --> 01:07:29.380 In our next class. You can set that to be a database only collection if you're adding database only or after you've created the collection, the knowledge base collection, then you go in and add title by title to the collection. 297 Mindy Tran 01:07:33.300 --> 01:07:51.740 One last thing I want to mention before we go out and take a look at this is when you create a new knowledge base local knowledge base collection, link scheme can be important if you, because they are needed for to resolve to full text for articles for your users. 298 Mindy Tran 01:07:52.780 --> 01:08:04.860 Once you create your local collection of each journal full text collection, and add the titles in there, you can email OCLC, support. 299 Mindy Tran 01:08:07.460 --> 01:08:25.740 And include the provider name of the collection, the collection name itself, the collection ID that's been assigned, provide OCLC with a sample search from that current provider that has resolved to full text for you, a username and password so that our. 300 Mindy Tran 01:08:27.700 --> 01:08:36.859 The our OCLC staff member can proxy through and make sure that the link scheme works when they create that for you. Okay. 301 Mindy Tran 01:08:44.060 --> 01:09:00.779 Again, don't, you may only need it for e journals that need to be and resolved to full text for articles. You may not, you won't need it for print serials and you most likely won't need it for ebook collections unless. 302 Mindy Tran 01:09:02.420 --> 01:09:02.940 There is some. 303 Mindy Tran 01:09:06.220 --> 01:09:06.420 Complex. 304 Mindy Tran 01:09:08.259 --> 01:09:18.859 Ways to access the, that, those ebooks. You may need link schemes, but for the most part, it, you would only need it if it's for an e journal collection that. 305 Mindy Tran 01:09:20.299 --> 01:09:21.100 Has full text access. 306 Mindy Tran 01:09:27.900 --> 01:09:31.940 Questions about that before we go out and take a look here in collection manager? 307 Mindy Tran 01:09:34.819 --> 01:09:44.460 So I'm gonna go back to, my world chair here and I'm gonna go ahead and close all these tabs here to just give it a clean look here. 308 Mindy Tran 01:09:45.819 --> 01:09:50.339 Since I've done my search and I know that this collection that I need. 309 Mindy Tran 01:09:52.580 --> 01:09:56.700 Isn't in here at all isn't in the global knowledge base or. 310 Mindy Tran 01:09:58.620 --> 01:10:18.620 In the first case I need to add a database here. So I'll go ahead and say under collection manager, I want to click on create a collection and if knowledge base collection is not the collection type that shows up, I can click on the dropdown and select it. And if I'm adding just. 311 Mindy Tran 01:10:19.180 --> 01:10:33.340 Database to this collection I can say database only select that and say create. Now, all of the fields that has an asterisk are required, so I need to, have a name. 312 Mindy Tran 01:10:47.940 --> 01:10:54.260 Customer ID is automatically assigned by the system and I can always change this to. 313 Mindy Tran 01:10:56.580 --> 01:10:59.140 To something else. However, it needs to be unique. 314 Mindy Tran 01:11:00.820 --> 01:11:20.980 Within, the collections. It has, if you use a collection ID that's already in use before or in use, you will have an error when you try to create this collection, ok? I'm gonna leave the collection ID as is provider. You can create a provider if it doesn't. 315 Mindy Tran 01:11:21.060 --> 01:11:39.860 Exist, you first you can start searching for if you click into the field and start typing, it will give you suggestions on providers and I'm going to choose OCLC training, that is the provider for this collection, give a description if. 316 Mindy Tran 01:11:49.420 --> 01:12:09.060 If are there any attributes to this? No, there isn't. Are there any collection notes specific or staff note specific that I need to have in here? I don't have any. I can then go to the linking accordion and put in the URL to my link to the database. I'm gonna make one up here. It doesn't exist. 317 Mindy Tran 01:12:19.100 --> 01:12:34.860 Now, this is where the link scheme would go if you have a new collection with titles and you're adding once the link scheme has been created and available, this is where you can add the link scheme to your collection. Okay. 318 Mindy Tran 01:12:37.220 --> 01:12:57.060 Since this is a database only, I don't have any mark records or holdings that I want to worry about. That's all I need, so I can go ahead and say create collection, and that's it. I've created a collection, a new collection, and it's only for, the only thing that will show up is a link to the databas. 319 Mindy Tran 01:12:57.700 --> 01:12:59.940 There will be no individual titles in this collection. 320 Mindy Tran 01:13:06.100 --> 01:13:08.380 Now, if I need to create a collection. 321 Mindy Tran 01:13:09.980 --> 01:13:30.300 That would contain, that will contain titles, again, I'm creating a collection, I'm selecting knowledge based collection, but I Under the option I want to uncheck database only, and I'm creating, keep in mind that these are all local, new local knowledge based collections that only your lib. 322 Mindy Tran 01:13:30.580 --> 01:13:36.780 Would see in search results. Other libraries will not see this. Click on create. 323 Mindy Tran 01:13:38.780 --> 01:13:40.060 Again, give it a collection name. 324 Mindy Tran 01:13:54.660 --> 01:13:55.020 A provider. 325 Mindy Tran 01:14:00.020 --> 01:14:03.980 Any notes that I need to have, here, any description. 326 Mindy Tran 01:14:12.780 --> 01:14:20.540 I can go to my linking tab and I can put in the URL to my collection out on the provider's platform. 327 Mindy Tran 01:14:31.820 --> 01:14:35.260 I'll just make one up. If I have a link scheme, I'll put that here. 328 Mindy Tran 01:14:36.980 --> 01:14:48.300 But I don't yet. I can also go to holdings and mark records. Now you probably won't want to do this until you have all of your titles in there, then you can go back and work on. 329 Mindy Tran 01:14:49.780 --> 01:14:59.740 Setting this up, but this is where you'll notice that it's currently disabled for this collection. It's disabled for this collection because you have to enable it for each collection. 330 Mindy Tran 01:15:02.140 --> 01:15:04.780 Time, so this is where you would go to do that. 331 Mindy Tran 01:15:07.060 --> 01:15:09.580 Looks good. All I need to do now is just create. 332 Mindy Tran 01:15:10.900 --> 01:15:25.380 The collection and the minute that I do that, now there's a, a titles accordion that's been added with no titles in there. So it's a blank slate for me to then add, begin adding local titles to this collection. 333 Mindy Tran 01:15:27.740 --> 01:15:47.100 There are a couple of ways to do that. One, under add a local title, here menu, if I click on that, I can create a title. It is very similar to creating a new global title to add to, you know, adding a new global title to an existing collection. You are adding. 334 Mindy Tran 01:15:47.580 --> 01:15:51.900 A new local title. So you need to put in. 335 Mindy Tran 01:15:56.340 --> 01:15:59.980 Name of the title, coverage depth. Let's say that this is. 336 Mindy Tran 01:16:02.260 --> 01:16:05.220 A journal full text again, and I can select that. 337 Mindy Tran 01:16:07.820 --> 01:16:23.180 And the minute that I do that, it displays everything else and I need to add the rest of the information like I'm just gonna make something up here, coverage is from nineteen ninety. I don't, and I'm still receiving new issues. 338 Mindy Tran 01:16:24.740 --> 01:16:30.500 Starting from my subscription starts from issue twelve, from volume twelve issue one. 339 Mindy Tran 01:16:32.740 --> 01:16:52.580 And I don't have any embargos or moving walk coverage. I still I don't have an end date. It, and so I click apply and it tells me that my coverage for this title is from nineteen ninety all the way to the present. I'm still getting new issues for this title. Put in the. 340 Mindy Tran 01:16:52.580 --> 01:16:56.500 The title URL, of course it would include the link to the collection and. 341 Mindy Tran 01:16:59.740 --> 01:17:03.820 And this would come from your provider. You may get it in a number of ways. 342 Mindy Tran 01:17:05.660 --> 01:17:06.060 Subscrib. 343 Mindy Tran 01:17:07.380 --> 01:17:12.820 Excel spreadsheet for instance, that would have the title URL you'd probably copy and paste that information in here. 344 Mindy Tran 01:17:14.380 --> 01:17:15.460 Ah. 345 Mindy Tran 01:17:17.540 --> 01:17:18.580 Ah. 346 Mindy Tran 01:17:22.260 --> 01:17:39.420 If you have an OCLC number, you would enter that in here. I'm not going to do that. This is a made up collection, so I don't want to link it to any made up title so I don't want to link it up to any OCLC number. If I have an ISSN or EISSM, I can put that here. 347 Mindy Tran 01:17:52.740 --> 01:17:54.660 Of course I just made up the ISSN number. 348 Mindy Tran 01:17:56.820 --> 01:18:05.180 Yeah, under linking, this is where if I have the title ID, this is where I would put that title ID here so that. 349 Mindy Tran 01:18:07.460 --> 01:18:27.260 The titles can merge if there are titles coming from the provider Override link scheme sometimes, sometimes there are titles where the link scheme is more complex than there's a link scheme specific for that title. If you know it, something and then you can. 350 Mindy Tran 01:18:27.380 --> 01:18:47.700 Put that link scheme here to override the collection level link scheme for this collection, but this is where you would do that. And once I'm done, just say save and now I have, I've added one title to this new collection that I've created. There it is. So that's one way. 351 Mindy Tran 01:18:47.940 --> 01:18:52.020 If I have more titles to add, I could just go to add a local title. 352 Mindy Tran 01:18:54.900 --> 01:19:00.620 And create a title and fill in all the information until you've added all the titles to this collection. 353 Mindy Tran 01:19:02.780 --> 01:19:19.340 However, if you know the OCLC number, one of the nice things that you can do is instead of create a title, you can use create using OCLC number to pre fill, type in the OCLC number. 354 Mindy Tran 01:19:30.780 --> 01:19:43.460 And then click continue. What the system will do is it will go out and search the Worldcap database, find that OCLC number, and pre populate some of the information. 355 Mindy Tran 01:19:46.340 --> 01:20:04.740 Title and then you can fill in the rest. So you'll see that it somehow it pulled and it had this. I, you can go ahead and edit and remove all of that information, of course, if, and it only extract data up in the sub field A if you're. 356 Mindy Tran 01:20:05.340 --> 01:20:07.140 For those of you who are catalogers or metadata. 357 Mindy Tran 01:20:09.700 --> 01:20:12.940 Work in technical services up in the main title only. 358 Mindy Tran 01:20:15.020 --> 01:20:18.740 If there are subtitles, it will not extract that information here. 359 Mindy Tran 01:20:22.740 --> 01:20:40.700 Coverage depth since you know what it is because you are putting in this title, the minute that you choose the coverage depth, it would display everything else. The OCLC number because we use it to pre populate, it fills it in with the OCLC number, it extracts is. 360 Mindy Tran 01:20:41.100 --> 01:20:54.900 ISBN number and fill it in here, but it will not extract the date off or publisher. You can fill this information in yourself. It also will not extract URL because URLs are. 361 Mindy Tran 01:20:57.980 --> 01:21:06.980 Specific to each library, you would need to copy and paste this information over from wherever you've received from the provider. Okay. 362 Mindy Tran 01:21:13.140 --> 01:21:16.300 I'm just going to just put this in here. 363 Mindy Tran 01:21:25.060 --> 01:21:30.060 And then save, and now there's two titles in this collection. 364 Mindy Tran 01:21:31.660 --> 01:21:39.300 So if you have a list of OCLC number, you can use that to pre fill, and then add the rest of the information. 365 Mindy Tran 01:21:44.180 --> 01:21:48.860 Questions about that? And we are doing this solely using the interface. 366 Mindy Tran 01:22:00.420 --> 01:22:08.780 Of the last things I wanted to show you on here is the activity history. So, just so that you can see what activity history. 367 Mindy Tran 01:22:10.300 --> 01:22:21.100 What have been performed on the collections in your library, whether it's knowledge based collections or other types of collections. You have the same. 368 Mindy Tran 01:22:23.780 --> 01:22:27.180 Activity history access as your other. 369 Mindy Tran 01:22:28.660 --> 01:22:40.140 Colleagues in your library that has access to collection manager. So from here, under search, you want to search the activity history. Maybe you want to see. 370 Mindy Tran 01:22:41.460 --> 01:22:52.140 For example, the, and the scope, there are two, the default is my institution history. You may only want to see your library's history. You don't want to see. 371 Mindy Tran 01:22:54.540 --> 01:23:13.940 Anyone else's or for some of you, you may want to see everyone's, all institutions history, what changes have been made, because you may want to see changes that have been made to all collections and by whom, for instance, because you want to have, for example, your library may have. 372 Mindy Tran 01:23:14.300 --> 01:23:14.860 Subscribed to. 373 Mindy Tran 01:23:17.020 --> 01:23:36.820 All epscope ebooks and if this collection was updated, you want to know who updated, who was the last ones to update this collection or titles in this collection and it's college to page, for example, or this collection down here. 374 Mindy Tran 01:23:37.260 --> 01:23:42.340 E book Central Health medicine ebook subscription, was. 375 Mindy Tran 01:23:45.180 --> 01:23:50.740 Updated or edits or changes have been made by Trinity University, ok? 376 Mindy Tran 01:23:53.060 --> 01:23:53.820 You can filter. 377 Mindy Tran 01:23:55.660 --> 01:24:10.940 By activity date also, so the the information in here is only available for ninety days, ok? So you may want to look for, anything that's happened from, say. 378 Mindy Tran 01:24:13.700 --> 01:24:19.500 October first through October thirtieth, for example. October thirty first. 379 Mindy Tran 01:24:22.260 --> 01:24:29.260 And that gives you still fifty one thousand activity globally for all institutions. That's still a lot. 380 Mindy Tran 01:24:30.900 --> 01:24:31.180 You can. 381 Mindy Tran 01:24:34.100 --> 01:24:41.740 Also say, well, not just the activity history for the month of October, but I want to see if there are any. 382 Mindy Tran 01:24:42.980 --> 01:24:44.020 Loads and feeds. 383 Mindy Tran 01:24:50.660 --> 01:24:51.900 Loads and feeds at the same time. 384 Mindy Tran 01:24:53.340 --> 01:25:03.980 So instead of just doing the activity history I want to filter, do a combined filter. So if I click on the green arrow, the green plus here, I can add another line. 385 Mindy Tran 01:25:05.500 --> 01:25:09.260 Also want to fill the loads and feeds and in. 386 Mindy Tran 01:25:10.820 --> 01:25:16.180 I then can say, I want to see who made the changes using K Bart upload. 387 Mindy Tran 01:25:18.940 --> 01:25:22.940 And then refilter it and now I get a more manageable. 388 Mindy Tran 01:25:25.140 --> 01:25:44.940 Search result that I can see. Ah, I can see that signal platonic papers have been updated by OCLC or that springer complete books have been updated by the University of I believe that's Texas, Southwestern medical. 389 Mindy Tran 01:25:48.500 --> 01:26:06.540 Now, you can do the same thing for activity history, specific to your institution. So if you're only interested in activities for your institution, for instance I'm gonna reset here. So I'm looking at this only for my institution. 390 Mindy Tran 01:26:07.540 --> 01:26:21.340 And it will only show up those collections that my library have selected or created and the changes that's been made that affects my collections, not everyone's. 391 Mindy Tran 01:26:24.340 --> 01:26:26.780 So I can see all ebook. 392 Mindy Tran 01:26:28.740 --> 01:26:38.180 College dupage has made changes to it. I can see I can again filter by say the activity history for only October. 393 Mindy Tran 01:26:47.860 --> 01:26:49.700 And maybe I want to see. 394 Mindy Tran 01:26:52.940 --> 01:26:53.420 By only. 395 Mindy Tran 01:26:59.980 --> 01:27:00.740 Loads and feeds. 396 Mindy Tran 01:27:02.620 --> 01:27:05.260 Or by the provider data load. 397 Mindy Tran 01:27:11.460 --> 01:27:19.620 So I want both, not just K bart, but provider also or I can say I don't want K bart. I just want provider loads. There might be. 398 Mindy Tran 01:27:21.780 --> 01:27:23.500 About the same amount, ok? 399 Mindy Tran 01:27:26.340 --> 01:27:26.460 Or. 400 Mindy Tran 01:27:28.100 --> 01:27:33.700 Let's not choose provider and choose K bart. Maybe I will have a lesser amount to worry about. 401 Mindy Tran 01:27:45.780 --> 01:27:46.300 Questions about that? 402 Mindy Tran 01:27:48.100 --> 01:27:53.740 So this is, it depends on the data that you're looking for, and. 403 Mindy Tran 01:27:54.980 --> 01:28:14.580 If for your library there is not just the update source, but if you are the library that updates this collection or someone that your institution, there maybe another column that will show you who at your institution, which log on has updated. 404 Mindy Tran 01:28:15.580 --> 01:28:16.500 That collection or that. 405 Mindy Tran 01:28:18.060 --> 01:28:21.940 Title, for instance. And that is a setting that you can. 406 Mindy Tran 01:28:24.420 --> 01:28:35.260 Can under in institution setting that is something that you can set up under display option is the staff member name from your institution. 407 Mindy Tran 01:28:49.860 --> 01:28:50.420 Any questions? 408 Mindy Tran 01:28:54.300 --> 01:29:12.100 For those of you that are new to collection manager or have not accessed the community center, that is another besides the online help, Underneath help, the community center is another source of access for your library, and if you log in. 409 Mindy Tran 01:29:14.340 --> 01:29:34.620 If you click from world chair, you should, your username and password should authenticate you for the community center. And under, once you are here under product, you can navigate to world share collection Manager and from here you can look at discussion, what news. 410 Mindy Tran 01:29:35.500 --> 01:29:47.180 Events that are coming up, any recordings, ideas, if you have enhancements requests that you want to place as well as the roadmap for collection manager can be found here in the community center. 411 Mindy Tran 01:29:54.380 --> 01:29:56.260 I am going to pause here and ask. 412 Mindy Tran 01:29:58.020 --> 01:30:02.340 If there are any questions for anything that we've covered in the session today. 413 Mindy Tran 01:30:09.100 --> 01:30:13.980 It's ok if you don't have questions right now, but as you continue to work with. 414 Mindy Tran 01:30:15.860 --> 01:30:32.900 Collection manager specifically Walkat knowledge based collections and you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact OCLC support in your region or call the toll free number to talk directly to one of our support team member if you're in the US or in Canada. 415 Mindy Tran 01:30:36.260 --> 01:30:38.620 I want to thank you for spending your time with me. 416 Mindy Tran 01:30:43.740 --> 01:30:51.620 If you have any questions with regards to the training for today, don't hesitate to contact training at OCLC dot org. 417 Mindy Tran 01:30:55.460 --> 01:30:55.820 If you have. 418 Mindy Tran 01:30:58.660 --> 01:31:14.220 I'd like to ask for a minute of your time to fill out the evaluation for this class. When you exit out of the session, you'll be redirected to an evaluation for the class and we very much appreciate your. 419 Mindy Tran 01:31:19.420 --> 01:31:23.660 Your feedback. I'm going to also put the link here. 420 Mindy Tran 01:31:27.620 --> 01:31:29.220 In the chat so that you can. 421 Mindy Tran 01:31:30.820 --> 01:31:34.540 Click it from, from here if you so desire. 422 Mindy Tran 01:31:44.100 --> 01:31:57.460 One of the question is the data type activity history of recent update feature to collection manager? It's not like recent recent, but I know it's been around for the last. 423 Mindy Tran 01:32:00.740 --> 01:32:19.980 It's, it has been a part of collection manager, but I think it the activity history has been streamlined. There has been a changes to the activity history I would say in the last two, three years maybe. So, and they'll continue to be enhancements. 424 Mindy Tran 01:32:21.220 --> 01:32:22.780 To that, updates to that. 425 Mindy Tran 01:32:32.740 --> 01:32:33.460 Have any other questions?