Connexion client 1: Foundations of Connexion client 1:35 pm - 2:53 pm Tuesday, February 4, 2025 | (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) WEBVTT 1 Crystal Rodriguez 00:26:20.320 --> 00:26:25.840 Welcome to today's session foundations of Connection Client. We. 2 Crystal Rodriguez 00:26:29.200 --> 00:26:49.480 We will begin with a quick glance at OCLC and Worldcat. We will then look at some basic information on starting connection client, navigating the interface, copy cataloging, and working with a list of records. Lastly, we will review options for finding online help for catalog. 3 Crystal Rodriguez 00:26:50.480 --> 00:26:52.520 And contacting OCLC support. 4 Crystal Rodriguez 00:26:56.200 --> 00:27:11.960 And to accompany this course and for future reference, you will want to review the learner guide that's LinkedIn chat. Also this can be found on our help site as you see here on the screen, under metadata services, and then connection. 5 Crystal Rodriguez 00:27:14.720 --> 00:27:18.120 And then you'll want to look for connection, Client training. 6 Crystal Rodriguez 00:27:20.520 --> 00:27:31.280 And you'll identify today's class, and there you'll see, when you go to viewer recorded session, there'll be a link there for that learner guide. 7 Crystal Rodriguez 00:27:35.880 --> 00:27:36.200 Okay. 8 Crystal Rodriguez 00:27:42.840 --> 00:28:03.040 OCLC is a global library organization that provides shared technology services, original research, and community programs for its membership and the libraries community at large. OCLC is a nonprofit library organization that provides services to all. 9 Crystal Rodriguez 00:28:03.440 --> 00:28:04.200 Types of libraries. 10 Crystal Rodriguez 00:28:06.920 --> 00:28:26.200 In more than one hundred countries. Libraries use OCLC services for library management, discovery, inter library loan, cataloging, and more. And you can find the links for more information about OCLC in the learner guide document. I. 11 Crystal Rodriguez 00:28:26.320 --> 00:28:36.560 I did just go ahead and add that again to the chat I'm wondering if maybe anyone that entered after I sent sent it originally didn't see it. So it is in the chat again. 12 Crystal Rodriguez 00:28:42.400 --> 00:29:00.880 Worldcat is the world's most comprehensive database of information about library collections. Worldcat has more than five hundred million bibliographic records for popular and unique items, meaning that you'll probably find a record for the item that your copy cataloging. 13 Crystal Rodriguez 00:29:01.840 --> 00:29:09.520 The links for worldcat statistics and watch Worldcat grow that you see on my screen are also available in the learner guide. 14 Crystal Rodriguez 00:29:14.280 --> 00:29:33.840 OCLC offers two interfaces to access worldcap for cataloging purposes. Within the world share Management Services platform, libraries can use world share record Manager if activated. Additionally, libraries can use connection client, which is downloaded on staff workstations. 15 Crystal Rodriguez 00:29:34.960 --> 00:29:53.720 Today, we'll be taking a look at Connection Client. The current version of Connection Client is three point two, which I will be using for this course. Version two point six three is still supported and recommended for any libraries using an older version of Microsoft. 16 Crystal Rodriguez 00:29:55.040 --> 00:30:13.200 If you need information on installing Connection Client or would like to compare these cataloging interfaces, see the link in the learner guide for a chart showing a comparison of OCLC cataloging applications and for information on installing connection client. 17 Crystal Rodriguez 00:30:19.240 --> 00:30:37.960 Within WorldCat, there is one principle record for each manifestation of a title. Referred to as the world cat record. This is the cooperative record that is stored in world cap for a specific item. Libraries attach holdings to matching worldcap records to indicate that. 18 Crystal Rodriguez 00:30:38.160 --> 00:30:39.640 They own that item. 19 Crystal Rodriguez 00:30:42.960 --> 00:31:01.600 Worldcat allows you to find a matching record and begin to edit for local purposes. When you begin to edit or lock a record, you begin to work with a working copy of that record. Therefore with this record, multiple libraries can view the same records simultaneously. 20 Crystal Rodriguez 00:31:02.720 --> 00:31:21.280 Any edits made do not affect the Worldcat record unless the library chooses the replace option for this record. Typically, holdings are then set on the record and the working copy record is exported to enable transform transfer to a local system. 21 Crystal Rodriguez 00:31:27.560 --> 00:31:37.680 Here you see a graphic showing the typical process for copy cataloging in connection client. First, you will look for a matching record using the catalogging menu. 22 Crystal Rodriguez 00:31:39.040 --> 00:31:54.280 Once you confirm the match, you will then decide if any local edits are needed. Edit options are found in the edit menu. You'll set your library holdings and then likely export the record using the action menu. 23 Crystal Rodriguez 00:31:55.680 --> 00:31:57.560 To be later added to your local system. 24 Crystal Rodriguez 00:32:02.200 --> 00:32:17.440 To determine the best match, you will compare the fields in the record against the item that you have. Also, libraries generally choose the record with the most holdings and or with DLC in the O four O field. 25 Crystal Rodriguez 00:32:19.320 --> 00:32:24.840 They also may look at the encoding level of full when matching. 26 Crystal Rodriguez 00:32:26.320 --> 00:32:39.160 OCLC continuously works to minimize duplicate records. If you see duplication, you can send an email to BIP change at O CLC dot org, and I will put that email in the chat. 27 Crystal Rodriguez 00:32:47.000 --> 00:33:05.800 For additional information on Mark biblographic format, see the short video entitled Mark biblographic Basics, that is linked in the learner guide. Also, you can see OCLC bibliographics standards and formats for more information. And we will review that documentation. 28 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:06.200 --> 00:33:08.560 More further on in the session. 29 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:12.400 --> 00:33:14.360 Okay I'm going to go ahead and switch to connection. 30 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:18.520 --> 00:33:19.560 Bear with me just one moment. 31 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:30.440 --> 00:33:38.800 I apologize, I had some settings already in place that I want to go ahead and make sure are not applied right now. So bear with me just one moment while I do that. 32 Crystal Rodriguez 00:33:55.320 --> 00:33:55.560 Alright. 33 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:00.560 --> 00:34:20.000 So before we begin to copy catalog, we need to configure connection client. So our first step is to set up default authorizations for logging in. If you need assistance with your library's authorization, please contact orders at OCLC dot org. Which I'm also. 34 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:20.280 --> 00:34:21.800 Adding their email into the chat for you. 35 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:25.879 --> 00:34:30.879 To begin with setting up our default authorizations, we're going to go to the tools menu. 36 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:33.159 --> 00:34:34.720 And then we'll choose options. 37 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:36.320 --> 00:34:41.760 And we'll click on authorizations. You'll see that at this time I have no authorizations entered. 38 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:43.399 --> 00:34:47.520 So I'm going to enter an authorization number where indicated. 39 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:52.960 --> 00:34:54.200 And then I'm gonna enter a password. 40 Crystal Rodriguez 00:34:56.200 --> 00:35:00.040 And I just want to give that authorization number a name. I'm just gonna put my name in there. 41 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:02.600 --> 00:35:22.280 And then I also can add up to ten authorizations. This is helpful if you have multiple people working on the same workstation or if maybe you use one authorization for one type of cataloging and the other for different. So there's multiple reasons why you might want to do that. So I'm going to go ahead and add another auth. 42 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:26.800 --> 00:35:28.360 And again, just entering in that password. 43 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:31.360 --> 00:35:37.400 And I'm just gonna call it my OCLC symbol here. And I'm gonna click apply, and then close. 44 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:41.120 --> 00:35:45.400 So now that I have those authorizations in place, I'm going to go to file. 45 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:46.760 --> 00:35:58.080 And then log on, and I see the authorization, my default shows up first. If I use the dropdown I can see the second authorization to choose that, but I want to go ahead with my default. 46 Crystal Rodriguez 00:35:59.520 --> 00:36:00.760 And I'm going to go ahead and click OK. 47 Crystal Rodriguez 00:36:02.680 --> 00:36:22.680 Okay, so I get an error here, which tells me that I'm may have had a typo in my authorization, so I can either go through that process again of tools options or what I would like to do instead is I'm going to go to file, log on, and I have this option of setup authorizations. That's just gonna take me to that same menu. 48 Crystal Rodriguez 00:36:23.840 --> 00:36:39.760 And I see that I did have a typo in my authorization number, so I'm going to fix that, click apply, close, and now I'm going to go ahead and click ok with my authorization chosen, and I see that I am logged in. 49 Crystal Rodriguez 00:36:44.520 --> 00:36:54.520 Okay, now our next configuration step is to set up our startup options. Those can be found again at the tools menu, then options. 50 Crystal Rodriguez 00:36:55.920 --> 00:37:00.320 And this time we want to click on general, and we see startup options. 51 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:02.280 --> 00:37:22.400 Currently I have no startup option. I have the option to have connection run a macro as soon as I start or what I'm gonna choose is to start a client function. So I have a few options. I'm gonna choose to log on and then bring up the search Worldcat function. When. 52 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:22.640 --> 00:37:31.680 I sign in, so I'm gonna go ahead and click OK, Apply, and then close. And to demonstrate that I'm going to go ahead and close connection. 53 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:34.240 --> 00:37:35.400 Yes, I want to log off. 54 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:38.160 --> 00:37:40.280 And then I'm going to open connection again. 55 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:42.240 --> 00:37:48.280 And you should see that automatically I'm logged on and I'm given the search role cat option. 56 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:55.520 --> 00:37:55.800 Alright. 57 Crystal Rodriguez 00:37:58.360 --> 00:38:18.120 Another option that's very helpful is to adjust the font of the Worldcap record. So I cannot unfortunately I cannot enlarge the menus here, but I can change the font for my records. So I'm going to go to tools options, and I'm going to choose fonts. And here I can change. 58 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:18.400 --> 00:38:27.240 The size for the records and the list. You can also adjust your label printing sizes. So I'm going to go ahead and make these each seventeen. 59 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:29.840 --> 00:38:30.760 And the same for my list. 60 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:32.480 --> 00:38:37.120 And you'll see more of this as we proceed. I'm gonna go ahead and click apply and close there. 61 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:39.320 --> 00:38:39.680 All right. 62 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:41.840 --> 00:38:56.000 Now another option is to add available toolbars, so you you'll see that I have a few already here. These maybe toolbars that you don't initially have. So to add those, again, we're gonna, well this case we go to the view menu. 63 Crystal Rodriguez 00:38:57.480 --> 00:39:17.680 And there we see toolbars and we can select which toolbars we want to show. So here I can deselect the Worldcat quick search, and you see that that quick search wind away. I actually really liked that, so I want to go ahead and put it back. So again, view toolbars, and then I just click on Worldcat quick search, and it's. 64 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:17.840 --> 00:39:28.120 Brought there for me. And you can move these around a little bit. We'll go through more of that, the usefulness of toolbars and options in. 65 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:30.800 --> 00:39:32.040 Our fifth class for connection. 66 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:34.840 --> 00:39:44.680 Okay, and then the last of the setups that I wanted to show you is perhaps in many cases one of the most important. So this is setting up an export file. 67 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:46.120 --> 00:39:49.240 So we're gonna go to tools options. 68 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:50.920 --> 00:39:52.920 And you may have guessed it. We click on export. 69 Crystal Rodriguez 00:39:54.400 --> 00:40:04.960 And I already have a file selected here, but I'm gonna go ahead and select another location. So I'm going to click Create. I choose file. 70 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:06.640 --> 00:40:18.080 There is also an option for OCLC gateway export. These will be explained in a future class a little further, but that is the option if you need your records exported automatically to your local system. 71 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:19.920 --> 00:40:24.920 So I'm gonna go ahead and click ok to select a file location, and then I'm given my. 72 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:26.520 --> 00:40:33.760 Explorer here. I'm going to go ahead and go to desktop and I see I have this export. I'm just gonna call this one export one. Click open. 73 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:35.360 --> 00:40:42.120 And I'm given a destination here just to confirm, I say ok, and then. 74 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:44.240 --> 00:40:47.440 I'm gonna go ahead and click apply and close. 75 Crystal Rodriguez 00:40:50.280 --> 00:41:01.200 And again, there maybe multiple reasons why you would want to have more than one export file. So again, if you're working on different projects, you might choose to export to a different file and name that differently as well. 76 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:05.640 --> 00:41:15.200 Okay, so now that we have completed those initial setups, I'm going to search for a bibliographic record and we'll review what we see there. 77 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:17.560 --> 00:41:30.120 So I'm going to go to the cataloging menu. I go to search, and I choose Worldcat. You also may note that there are hot keys listed, so I could have just clicked F two to bring that up. 78 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:32.240 --> 00:41:35.880 And I'm going to clear out my previously previous search here. 79 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:38.680 --> 00:41:49.440 And I'm going to search by OCLC number in the command line search. So I need to put in either N O index with the colon for number or the dollar sign. 80 Crystal Rodriguez 00:41:52.760 --> 00:41:56.880 I'm sorry pound sign here. And then I'm gonna type in my OCLC number. 81 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:01.040 --> 00:42:11.840 And our second class goes more into searching and we'll review all of these options here. Today is just sort of a basic get you started search. So I'm gonna go ahead and click OK. 82 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:14.640 --> 00:42:15.760 We'll wait for that to come up. 83 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:20.880 --> 00:42:32.600 All right, so let's look at a record here, what we see. So the first thing we see at the very top of our screen, we see the title bar. This is giving us the title for the record that we've just searched. 84 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:36.360 --> 00:42:43.280 And then just below that we see our menu bars. Again, yours may look slightly different than mine depending on how you have that configured right now. 85 Crystal Rodriguez 00:42:47.440 --> 00:43:04.840 And then just like I showed earlier, if you hover over one of these icons, you can see what action that does, so that helps you know determine what each of those icons mean. The next thing we see is our holding status bar. This contains the OCLC control number. 86 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:05.760 --> 00:43:20.960 Also referred to as an OCN, and it indicates if your library's holdings are already on this item and how many libraries hold that item. So you see that my library is not holding this item, but eight hundred and seventy three libraries do. 87 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:23.280 --> 00:43:42.760 And then if we scroll all the way down or we move down to the bottom here, we see our status bar. So this is going to indicate any completed actions along with a timeout clock. So, this timeout clock resets each time that you work within a record, the initial timeout time is forty minutes. 88 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:43.560 --> 00:43:51.760 So you, if you are idle in connection for more than forty minutes, you will get a notice telling you to reset or shut shut it down. 89 Crystal Rodriguez 00:43:55.640 --> 00:44:11.760 So let's look briefly at the mark record. We're not gonna spend too much time on that if you need more assistance with understanding the details of Mark records. Again, we do recommend the mark bibliographic basics video that is linked in your learner guide. 90 Crystal Rodriguez 00:44:13.880 --> 00:44:19.840 But we're gonna look at a few things. So the first thing we see when we scroll up, we see the fixed field area here. 91 Crystal Rodriguez 00:44:21.960 --> 00:44:24.800 And then we also see our variable fields. 92 Crystal Rodriguez 00:44:26.560 --> 00:44:46.600 Now with our fixed fields, we do have the option of showing those in a different way. So right now I have those at the top of my record, but if I go to view, I can go down to OCLC fixed field and can choose to either show those at the bottom or I can display them as variable. 93 Crystal Rodriguez 00:44:46.800 --> 00:44:54.520 Fields. So I'm gonna just show you each of those real quick I'm gonna choose bottom, and then that just moves that down to the bottom of my record. 94 Crystal Rodriguez 00:44:56.520 --> 00:45:14.600 And then if I choose display as variable fields, it's going to move them to the top of my record, but you'll see that they're in here as leader fields, the OO one o oh oh five oh oh oh seven eight. Sorry. All right. And I'm gonna go ahead. I really prefer to have them at the top. 95 Crystal Rodriguez 00:45:16.360 --> 00:45:28.960 And I prefer to have them as fixed fields. I just personally feel like they're a little easier to read that way, and you'll see in a little while why it's helpful to have them this way because you get these links. 96 Crystal Rodriguez 00:45:31.600 --> 00:45:31.960 Okay. 97 Crystal Rodriguez 00:45:34.560 --> 00:45:54.000 And then just briefly what you'll see here is each, you'll see multiple fields and sub fields within your record. Each field indicates a specific part of the record. So for an example, the two forty five field is the title, and then the little dagger that you see here that in that's known as an indica. 98 Crystal Rodriguez 00:45:54.920 --> 00:46:13.880 And then there's the sub field, each sub field indicates the specific part of that field, and the sub field A is understood at the beginning. So in this case, sub field B is the subtitle, sub field C is going to be your responsible party. And each field does have information. 99 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:15.200 --> 00:46:18.320 And later in the session I'll show how you can learn a little more about that. 100 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:20.400 --> 00:46:20.720 Okay. 101 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:24.880 --> 00:46:33.080 Alright, so I do want to go ahead and use F two to bring up that search box this time. And I want to enter in a different OCLC number. 102 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:43.920 --> 00:46:47.680 And we see that I have the book Helen Keller selected writings. 103 Crystal Rodriguez 00:46:50.400 --> 00:47:08.960 And I just want to point out that here you see in the O four O field that you see the DLC subject OCLC symbol there. And this indicates records that are contributed by library of Congress or the program for cooperative cataloging. And as I mentioned a lot of libraries prefer those records. 104 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:10.440 --> 00:47:12.200 When using, when doing copy cataloging. 105 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:14.680 --> 00:47:24.800 The other thing here I want to point out is you'll see this O five O field, which is your subject heading, and then you see the O eight two for your due number. 106 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:27.640 --> 00:47:46.520 These can be moved to local O nine oh or O nine two fields. Also, in this record you'll note that there's a blank O nine O field. That is an option that is based on my library's classification that's set up at the time that you request your authorization number. It can be change. 107 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:46.840 --> 00:47:52.040 If needed. So that your default goes to DUE as which would be the O nine two field. 108 Crystal Rodriguez 00:47:54.960 --> 00:48:04.400 And just a reminder that these edits in the O nine oh and oh nine two fields, those are not saved to worldcap. Those are local edits that would be then X on your exported record. 109 Crystal Rodriguez 00:48:06.680 --> 00:48:14.960 And so since we have our O nine O field here, just I'm gonna go ahead and add that subject heading to my local field. 110 Crystal Rodriguez 00:48:16.920 --> 00:48:26.320 And I just copied the data from the O five oh and I'm just using regular window functionality here to paste that into the oh nine O field. 111 Crystal Rodriguez 00:48:28.760 --> 00:48:41.840 Now for this record, I also want to add a note, so I'm gonna add a five ninety note. I can either go to that area of the record and just click and then I can right click. 112 Crystal Rodriguez 00:48:43.760 --> 00:48:50.160 Actually I apologize. I can just hit enter there, and then that enters in a field or I can actually. 113 Crystal Rodriguez 00:48:51.960 --> 00:49:12.320 I'm delete I'm gonna delete that field real quick. I can just scroll down to the bottom of my record and hit enter. I'm gonna do that for this demo. So I'm gonna enter in the five ninety note here. I don't need any indicators that I didn't forget to mention that those were. Again, those are mentioned more in other, our bill of. 114 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:12.680 --> 00:49:16.320 Formats and standards documentation. And in the video that I mentioned. 115 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:18.240 --> 00:49:20.480 So I'm going to go ahead and add a little note. 116 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:30.960 --> 00:49:36.120 Now I also want to remove the six fifty five fields because I don't want those to be in my. 117 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:37.920 --> 00:49:52.320 Working copy in my, in my local copy, and just remember that unless you replace the record, these will not be removed from the Worldcat record and you do want to be really careful when replacing, and a future session we'll talk more about that process. 118 Crystal Rodriguez 00:49:54.040 --> 00:49:58.960 So I'm just going to highlight that field and I'm going to right click and choose delete field. 119 Crystal Rodriguez 00:50:00.520 --> 00:50:03.000 I'm gonna do that for each of those six fifty five fields. 120 Crystal Rodriguez 00:50:08.960 --> 00:50:16.080 There is also an option to have specific fields removed automatically upon export that will review in a future session as well. 121 Crystal Rodriguez 00:50:19.600 --> 00:50:31.760 Now, as I make edits, you may notice the little arrow here that kind of carrot that's indicating what field I did add or edit. So if I go back up to that, oh ninety two, oh ninety field, you'll see that there as well. 122 Crystal Rodriguez 00:50:35.880 --> 00:50:53.800 Once you've made edits, it's always a good practice to reformat your record. This is going to restore the record and it will correct some items such as your case, your ISPN et cetera. And you can learn more about that on our support site. But I'm going to go ahead and. 123 Crystal Rodriguez 00:50:54.800 --> 00:51:14.600 Reformat so I can either use my toolbar button here or I can go to edit and choose reformat. I also do have the hot key of control R I'm just gonna go ahead and click reformat. That does happen really quickly, but what you'll notice is that that five ninety field I added has now. 124 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:14.840 --> 00:51:19.120 Been moved to the end of the five XX fields. 125 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:23.800 --> 00:51:41.560 So now that I've made my local edits, I want to indicate that I own this item in world I want Worldcat to show that. So I'm going to go ahead and go to the action menu and then holdings, and I choose update holdings. I also could use the F eight hot key. 126 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:42.840 --> 00:51:43.840 So I'm gonna go ahead and click on that. 127 Crystal Rodriguez 00:51:45.640 --> 00:52:00.200 And again, that happens pretty quickly, but you'll see that now when I look at my holding statement, it now shows that it is held by my library. And if we look at the status at the bottom, we see a C for complete under update holdings. 128 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:04.000 --> 00:52:12.720 Now I want to go ahead and export this item, so for that, I'm again, I'm gonna go to action menu, and then export. 129 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:14.880 --> 00:52:23.640 And we don't really see any type of notification letting us know that it happened other than the status bar of the C for complete. 130 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:25.080 --> 00:52:45.440 And this option is gonna send the record in March twenty one communication to that file destination that I configured earlier. So if I were to go right now to my desktop, I would see that record or that file there now, see if I can show you that here. Here it is, the export one that I just. 131 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:46.240 --> 00:52:47.440 And I could double click that. 132 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:48.720 --> 00:52:50.520 And open that up just to view it. 133 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:53.320 --> 00:52:56.400 And I can see the mark twenty one information here. 134 Crystal Rodriguez 00:52:59.000 --> 00:53:03.040 And then that allows me to take that file and import that into my local system. 135 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:05.480 --> 00:53:05.720 Alright. 136 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:07.320 --> 00:53:27.480 Now many libraries also need to remove holdings from Worldcat, but maybe this will not remove the holdings from your local system. It'll just remove it from worldcat. So this is essentially weeding that record from Worldcat. So for that, we're gonna go to action holdings, and now we see the option for. 137 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:27.800 --> 00:53:34.120 Delete holdings because currently we hold this item. So again, we can just click on that or we can use those hot keys. 138 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:35.520 --> 00:53:44.840 And now again we see no holdings in my library, and we see a C under delete holdings showing that that action is complete. 139 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:51.160 --> 00:53:56.680 Just gonna take a quick pause to see if there's any questions coming in before we move on to the next section. 140 Crystal Rodriguez 00:53:59.280 --> 00:54:08.760 And I'll just point out too that each of these steps that I just showed you, there is additional documentation on those within that learner guide. So if you need to refer back to that. 141 Crystal Rodriguez 00:54:10.120 --> 00:54:15.120 You can do that. And we will also have this record the recording of this session available on our help site as well. 142 Crystal Rodriguez 00:54:18.680 --> 00:54:23.760 Okay I don't see any questions. I'm going to go ahead and move on. Oh, I do see a question now. 143 Crystal Rodriguez 00:54:26.160 --> 00:54:37.240 Does removing your holdings add a subfield D to the O four O? No, actually adding your holdings does that. If you made edits. 144 Crystal Rodriguez 00:54:41.360 --> 00:54:47.160 But what, what will make that stay permanently there, the subfield D would be if you replace that record. 145 Crystal Rodriguez 00:54:51.120 --> 00:54:53.440 That's a good question. Alright. 146 Crystal Rodriguez 00:54:55.800 --> 00:55:12.120 So I want to demonstrate using the world cap quick search. I've showed you how to use the search bar menu that comes up when we click on cataloging, but sometimes if you just have a real quick search like an OCLC number or a title search, you can use. 147 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:13.360 --> 00:55:14.520 This quick search bar. 148 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:17.960 --> 00:55:19.560 So I'm going to go ahead and. 149 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:21.400 --> 00:55:27.480 Type in a quick search here. I'm gonna do T I colon for the title, and I'm gonna search for the word connection. 150 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:29.480 --> 00:55:38.480 And I want to add a date here, so I'm just going to use the limiter of the backslash and I'm gonna put in two thousand three. 151 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:40.480 --> 00:55:49.720 And we will learn more about these indexes and limits in our next class. So I'm gonna go ahead here and hit enter to complete that search. 152 Crystal Rodriguez 00:55:54.440 --> 00:56:06.200 And I'm not sure why my screen looks like that. It's a little shorter and let me see here. Bear with me here. I think I'm last time I was in here, I may have ah moved some things around. 153 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:08.480 --> 00:56:12.240 So I'm not sure why it did that. Let me try that search one more time. 154 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:19.400 --> 00:56:26.320 Alright, so here's my list of records and sorry it's still not looking the way I expect it to. 155 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:32.800 --> 00:56:45.720 I'm gonna move this over just for a second. I need to see It looks like there is something with the, like I said, the last time that I used connection, I think my options were not quite where they needed to be, so I just want to quickly fix that here. 156 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:52.560 --> 00:56:55.360 There we go. All right, let me bring that back over here for you. 157 Crystal Rodriguez 00:56:57.240 --> 00:57:03.160 There we go. So this is what I was trying to make sure I saw, what I noticed was because i'm using a larger screen. 158 Crystal Rodriguez 00:57:04.840 --> 00:57:09.160 My list opened up a little larger than I expected, so I just had to adjust that. 159 Crystal Rodriguez 00:57:10.480 --> 00:57:30.440 Okay, so with this open, there's a few things I want to point out. So we notice here remember with our previous, when we were looking at an actual record, we had the title at the beginning of the record, but here we see that this indicates that it's a truncated list and we see the searches that were completed. So we see that. 160 Crystal Rodriguez 00:57:31.040 --> 00:57:38.320 We searched the title connection with the language of catalogging as English and with our year as two thousand and three. 161 Crystal Rodriguez 00:57:45.400 --> 00:57:59.560 Now within this list, we can open an individual record simply by clicking enter or double clicking. So I just double clicked on that and I can open up that record. We can close it by clicking on the lower of the Xs here. 162 Crystal Rodriguez 00:58:01.160 --> 00:58:03.000 And then that takes us back to our list. 163 Crystal Rodriguez 00:58:05.080 --> 00:58:08.560 We can also navigate through our list. So let me go ahead and open up the second record. 164 Crystal Rodriguez 00:58:10.040 --> 00:58:29.680 And you'll see the forward and back arrow. So if I just click on that, I can move through the list. So we now if we look down at the bottom at our status bar, we see that we're now on record three of the forty eight results. We click on that one more time and we see we're taken to record four. So that's just one way to navigate through that list. 165 Crystal Rodriguez 00:58:34.080 --> 00:58:53.400 And then we also can open a series of records in sequence. So to do that, we're gonna click on the first record I'm gonna click on number twelve, and we see that we have several records with the same title, so maybe I want to look at all of those in sequence. So I'm going to click that first record, click use the shift o. 166 Crystal Rodriguez 00:58:54.280 --> 00:59:00.200 And then I can just click on the last one or I can just click on each of those. And then I can hit enter. 167 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:02.560 --> 00:59:14.640 And we see that initially number twelve of forty eight is what's opened, and I can use the navigate button to move through those, and I'm only navigating through the ones that I selected. 168 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:16.560 --> 00:59:18.840 So I'm not seeing all of the forty eight here. 169 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:21.120 --> 00:59:23.360 And then again I can go ahead and close this. 170 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:28.120 --> 00:59:47.400 And then I also have the option to choose to open records that are not in sequence. So to do that, I'm gonna click on the first record that I want to open I'm gonna use the control key and click on the additional records. So I want to look at number eight, number eleven, and. 171 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:48.080 --> 00:59:52.960 Number twenty three. And again I'm just gonna go ahead and have those highlighted, click enter. 172 Crystal Rodriguez 00:59:54.440 --> 01:00:02.000 And I'm immediately opened up to number eight, and then I can navigate through the others to see numbers eleven and twenty three. 173 Crystal Rodriguez 01:00:06.480 --> 01:00:10.680 All right, I'm gonna go ahead and close that list or that record briefly here. 174 Crystal Rodriguez 01:00:16.320 --> 01:00:16.600 Alright. 175 Crystal Rodriguez 01:00:20.000 --> 01:00:36.240 Now let's assume that you need to review several records to determine the best match. So you want to have your list of records open while you're viewing the individual records. So to do that, we can pin our list of records here. 176 Crystal Rodriguez 01:00:37.920 --> 01:00:39.480 So we can go to the view menu. 177 Crystal Rodriguez 01:00:45.520 --> 01:00:48.120 And bear with me I think I may have hit the wrong menu. 178 Crystal Rodriguez 01:00:55.600 --> 01:00:57.680 Let me try something here. I apologize for that. 179 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:00.560 --> 01:01:08.440 I'm going to actually go ahead and open just the last two records in this list here. So again, I'm gonna highlight both of those using the shift option. 180 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:10.480 --> 01:01:12.840 And actually what I want to do is pin this open record. 181 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:15.960 --> 01:01:16.720 And that I can. 182 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:20.400 --> 01:01:37.920 Sorry, I'm not sure why I'm not seeing that option. I should see it here. There it is, I think I just wasn't looking long enough. So we can go to view and then pinned and click on pinned and that's going to pin this record, and then when we go to. 183 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:39.960 --> 01:01:59.640 The window option, we see our pinned record, which is checked, and we see our list there. So we can just click through either of those. So now I'm just gonna click on the world cat search truncated list and that will take me back to my list. And if I click on window again, I have that option of. 184 Crystal Rodriguez 01:01:59.760 --> 01:02:01.280 Going back to that pinned record. 185 Crystal Rodriguez 01:02:08.080 --> 01:02:16.080 Now, if I want to compare multiple records I can leave this record pinned, go back to my list. 186 Crystal Rodriguez 01:02:17.760 --> 01:02:22.640 And then open up another record. Let's say I wanna look at this record. 187 Crystal Rodriguez 01:02:24.800 --> 01:02:25.960 So I've got that highlighted. 188 Crystal Rodriguez 01:02:28.000 --> 01:02:47.240 And opened, and then to compare, we're gonna go to window again, and you have the option of multiple options here for viewing these either as a cascade, title, a tile horizontally or vertically. Personally I like vertically, so I'm gonna go ahead and do that. And here you see my truncated list. 189 Crystal Rodriguez 01:02:48.120 --> 01:03:08.080 And then my pinned record, and you see that it does indicate here that it's pinned, and my record that I just opened. Now I can minimize my truncated list and move over the two pinned records, and this would allow me to look at each of these fields essentially side by. 190 Crystal Rodriguez 01:03:09.040 --> 01:03:10.240 To do that comparison. 191 Crystal Rodriguez 01:03:17.560 --> 01:03:36.520 And you can have multiple pin records, so I could go ahead and click on this record, the first record here, and I can pin that as well by going to view pinned, and now both of those are pinned, so then I could open up my truncated list again. 192 Crystal Rodriguez 01:03:39.040 --> 01:03:41.240 And choose a title, another record from there. 193 Crystal Rodriguez 01:03:46.800 --> 01:03:51.640 It's down here. And then I could choose to view all of those again together. 194 Crystal Rodriguez 01:03:54.440 --> 01:03:56.360 Alright, so I'm gonna go ahead and close those. 195 Crystal Rodriguez 01:04:03.560 --> 01:04:12.640 And I'm just checking to see if I don't see any questions at this point, but again, go ahead and add those into chat if you have anything that comes up, please add those for everyone. 196 Crystal Rodriguez 01:04:16.280 --> 01:04:34.000 Alright, now as you're reviewing a record, you may find that you need more information about a specific mark field or that you want to check that you are using the correct tags and sub fields. So an option that we have that connection offers is mark field help. 197 Crystal Rodriguez 01:04:34.760 --> 01:04:55.000 This provides links to the CLC BIPPI graphic formats and standards so that you can find more information on marked tags and sub fields. So there's a few different methods for accessing mark field help. So I'm but one of those ways is to position your cursor in the desired, variable. 198 Crystal Rodriguez 01:04:55.360 --> 01:05:00.480 Variable field, Right click and then select mark field help. So I'm going to demonstrate that now. 199 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:02.440 --> 01:05:04.720 So I'm going to search for a different OCLC number. 200 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:12.480 --> 01:05:13.280 And bring up that record. 201 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:17.640 --> 01:05:30.080 So I want to scroll down to the five oh five field. I want to know more about this field, so I can go ahead and right click in that field and I see the option for mark field help. I'm gonna click on that. 202 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:31.960 --> 01:05:37.040 And what that does is it opens up our OCLC builder graphic formats and standards. 203 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:40.640 --> 01:05:50.040 Here I can see rules about the indicators and the sub fields. I can click on each of these to learn more about each of those sub fields. 204 Crystal Rodriguez 01:05:51.520 --> 01:06:07.160 And I can get some examples of different five oh five options here. And then I do want to demonstrate that if we scroll down all the way to the bottom, you'll see the last time this page was updated as well as links to get additional help. 205 Crystal Rodriguez 01:06:09.400 --> 01:06:11.280 Or to even report an error here. 206 Crystal Rodriguez 01:06:15.760 --> 01:06:17.920 Alright, so I want to go back to my video graphic record. 207 Crystal Rodriguez 01:06:21.240 --> 01:06:40.000 Now that is one way to get help for variable fields, but with my fixed fields, and this is why I personally prefer to have the fixed fields laid out in this view, so I can click on the link for that variable field to be taken to the bible graphic standards and format. 208 Crystal Rodriguez 01:06:40.840 --> 01:06:52.160 I'm going to go ahead and click on this CONT here, and again, that opens up bibber graphic formats and standards and gives me information about that specific field. 209 Crystal Rodriguez 01:06:53.760 --> 01:06:58.840 Letss me know what codes I should be using and under what circumstances. 210 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:01.760 --> 01:07:05.680 It tells me that this is the CONT stands for nature of contents as well. 211 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:09.080 --> 01:07:21.080 So that is getting help within the mark record itself, but there are also several helpful links within the help menu. So if I go to the help menu in my connection. 212 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:22.720 --> 01:07:30.320 I see several options. The first is client help. That is actually going to open up to our support page for client. 213 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:31.920 --> 01:07:44.280 And allow you to navigate through the documentation. Here you see Mark field help, and if I click on that, it's going to bring up that bit of graphic formats and standards. Again there. 214 Crystal Rodriguez 01:07:46.400 --> 01:08:05.840 And you can, when you're in the graphic formats and standards, these are all hyperlinks as well, so let's say I'm, I clicked on the five oh five, but now I want to know more about the six fifty field. So I can go to the six xxs and I can scroll and here I see six fifty and I can click on that link to get additional information. 215 Crystal Rodriguez 01:08:08.680 --> 01:08:17.920 So this is a great tool that you might even want to bookmark. So there is a link for that within the learner guide as well, but I'm gonna go ahead and add that to the chat. 216 Crystal Rodriguez 01:08:20.400 --> 01:08:23.520 Alright, going back over to the help menu. 217 Crystal Rodriguez 01:08:25.520 --> 01:08:45.040 So some other options if we go to help, we see the useful web links. Here again we have a couple of options that will take us to documentation, a direct link to that bibiographic formats and standards. Here you'll find information on mark records, and then you can even be taken to a page that gives you any. 218 Crystal Rodriguez 01:08:45.520 --> 01:09:05.520 Known issues that are going on for client. So this is helpful to review maybe to determine if this is a known issue. Even if it's a known issue, we do recommend that you send in a ticket to our support team so they can let you know when that's resolved. And then another really important option here is this record change request. So. 219 Crystal Rodriguez 01:09:06.839 --> 01:09:26.400 If your library does not have the functionality or approval to make edits or if it's just that you would prefer OCLC to review that, you can click on that, link and then you're taken to a form to fill out so that you can inform us. 220 Crystal Rodriguez 01:09:26.600 --> 01:09:33.279 Of any errors within that bitlographic record, so that's another really good useful link there. 221 Crystal Rodriguez 01:09:35.680 --> 01:09:55.240 And then the last one I want to show is you can be taken to our actually this is not the last one, this is the next to last. You can be taken to our access and authorization form here, and that's going to open up and allow you to fill out a form to you for your authorizations. And there is information about that within the learn. 222 Crystal Rodriguez 01:09:55.360 --> 01:09:55.920 Learner guide as well. 223 Crystal Rodriguez 01:09:59.200 --> 01:10:00.080 And then let's see here. 224 Crystal Rodriguez 01:10:01.720 --> 01:10:16.200 The other link that I wanted to show you is there is this in the help menu you can also click on contact support, which is going to open up a, a form essentially for you, and it's gonna already have your personal information. 225 Crystal Rodriguez 01:10:18.000 --> 01:10:19.280 Whatever you have indicated in your. 226 Crystal Rodriguez 01:10:20.920 --> 01:10:21.320 Profile here. 227 Crystal Rodriguez 01:10:23.040 --> 01:10:31.560 And then you can actually indicate if this an enhancement, is it a problem etc. And that will send a ticket directly over to our support team. 228 Crystal Rodriguez 01:10:33.960 --> 01:10:53.400 Okay, I'm gonna close out a connection here around we'll minimize it, and let me get out of each of these. All right. Now, before I go on to some questions for you all I just want to double check and see if there's any questions in our chat. I'm not seeing any at this time, but please. 229 Crystal Rodriguez 01:10:53.680 --> 01:10:54.040 Let me know. 230 Crystal Rodriguez 01:10:56.800 --> 01:10:57.920 And I am going to. 231 Crystal Rodriguez 01:10:59.280 --> 01:10:59.600 Pull up. 232 Crystal Rodriguez 01:11:02.520 --> 01:11:03.560 My poll here shortly. 233 Crystal Rodriguez 01:11:05.880 --> 01:11:06.200 Okay. 234 Crystal Rodriguez 01:11:08.640 --> 01:11:08.800 Alright. 235 Crystal Rodriguez 01:11:11.000 --> 01:11:18.040 So, not seeing any questions at this time. I'm gonna go ahead and just do a little, a couple of review questions for you all. And. 236 Crystal Rodriguez 01:11:21.240 --> 01:11:26.280 You'll see the first one here. I'm gonna open up a poll for you to be able to answer that anonymous anonymously. 237 Crystal Rodriguez 01:11:28.200 --> 01:11:47.600 I don't even know if I said that right. Alright, so you should be seeing that poll. So where can you enter a default authorization and set up start options for connection client? Is that tools menu then options? Is it the file menu and log on. 238 Crystal Rodriguez 01:11:48.800 --> 01:11:54.320 The actions menu and holdings or the cataloging menu and search? 239 Crystal Rodriguez 01:11:57.200 --> 01:12:00.280 I'll give you all a few moments to fill out that poll. 240 Crystal Rodriguez 01:12:14.800 --> 01:12:16.760 All right, looks like just about everybody has had. 241 Crystal Rodriguez 01:12:18.160 --> 01:12:18.680 Time to do that. 242 Crystal Rodriguez 01:12:21.960 --> 01:12:34.000 So the answer is A tools options. So that's where you're gonna find a lot of those initial configuration options is in the tools menu and then options. 243 Crystal Rodriguez 01:12:37.880 --> 01:12:39.840 Alright, let's move on to another question here. 244 Crystal Rodriguez 01:12:42.360 --> 01:12:52.280 So this one's a, this or that or you know sort of pick one. Which of these photos demonstrates the correct menu order for the copy cataloging. 245 Crystal Rodriguez 01:12:54.080 --> 01:13:14.240 Workflow? So is this the A graphic which would say that you use the view menu to find a matching record, you use the edit menu to edit records, and then you use the edit menu to set holdings and export? Or is it B, which is use the cataloging menu. 246 Crystal Rodriguez 01:13:14.440 --> 01:13:23.960 To find a matching record, use the edit menu to edit your records, and then use the action menu to set holdings and export the record. 247 Crystal Rodriguez 01:13:27.360 --> 01:13:27.560 That's. 248 Crystal Rodriguez 01:13:39.040 --> 01:13:57.160 Alright, and it looks like just about everybody has had a chance to answer that one, and yes, this is B, so you would The typical process is to use the catalogging menu to locate your record, and then once you've located your record, if you would like to make some. 249 Crystal Rodriguez 01:13:57.200 --> 01:14:04.880 Some local edits, you can do that in the edit menu, and then you're gonna want to set your holdings and or export using the action menu. 250 Crystal Rodriguez 01:14:06.800 --> 01:14:12.320 All right, and I have just one more question for you. Bear with me here. All right. 251 Crystal Rodriguez 01:14:14.120 --> 01:14:24.840 So true or false? If you edit a record in connection, the changes you make are automatically reflected on the Worldcat record for others to use. 252 Crystal Rodriguez 01:14:29.360 --> 01:14:29.680 I'll. 253 Crystal Rodriguez 01:14:42.640 --> 01:14:42.840 Alright. 254 Crystal Rodriguez 01:14:45.200 --> 01:14:47.600 And it looks like everybody's had a chance to answer that one. 255 Crystal Rodriguez 01:14:49.160 --> 01:15:08.520 So the answer is false. I do apologize if this one tricked you, but this is where when you begin to make an edit, you're working with a working copy of that record. So the changes that you make are going to be just local edits unless the record is replaced. 256 Crystal Rodriguez 01:15:10.800 --> 01:15:30.000 And that would be the, the typical workflow anyway would just to be to add those local edits and then export your record. You would typically only use replace if there's an issue with the bibly graphic record itself or if that record's being enhanced, which we will review in a future session, that's in our, we'll talk. 257 Crystal Rodriguez 01:15:30.000 --> 01:15:31.040 Talk about that in our third session. 258 Crystal Rodriguez 01:15:32.720 --> 01:15:45.840 Alright, so I don't have any more questions for you. I don't see any more, but I'll pause to give you all a chance to type anything in there you might have. We do still have ten minutes left in our session. 259 Crystal Rodriguez 01:15:47.360 --> 01:15:50.560 So if you have any questions, now would be that a great time to put those there. 260 Crystal Rodriguez 01:16:00.160 --> 01:16:00.360 Alright. 261 Crystal Rodriguez 01:16:04.960 --> 01:16:08.200 And I while I'm waiting to see if there's any additional questions, I do wanna just. 262 Crystal Rodriguez 01:16:10.120 --> 01:16:26.040 Provide information. If you have questions after the session, you can reach out to our support team by going to help dot OCLC dot org, type go to contact OCLC support, and there you'll find information for contacting support in your region. 263 Crystal Rodriguez 01:16:29.000 --> 01:16:47.680 And then at the end of this session, you're going to be taken to a quick evaluation form. It is pretty quick. We do appreciate that feedback. It gives me the opportunity to know if I need to, make any adjustments at all to my class if it is helpful for you as is, any. 264 Crystal Rodriguez 01:16:48.800 --> 01:16:50.640 You can provide us is very useful. 265 Crystal Rodriguez 01:16:52.720 --> 01:17:13.000 Alright, and while i'm waiting for any questions I've not seen anything come in, I appreciate all the positives. I'm glad that you all are finding this a good refresher. And then just a recap that we do that the connection classes are a series, so we do have five more sessions between now and April. There are approximate. 266 Crystal Rodriguez 01:17:13.240 --> 01:17:13.680 Every two weeks. 267 Crystal Rodriguez 01:17:15.120 --> 01:17:20.120 And if you haven't signed up for additional classes and you would like to, you can find those on our help site. 268 Crystal Rodriguez 01:17:21.440 --> 01:17:35.600 To sign up for additional classes and then the recording will be placed there and you'll get it as well in your email. So I'm not seeing any questions. I will still hang around for a couple more minutes though in case there are any. 269 Crystal Rodriguez 01:17:41.080 --> 01:17:49.240 Actually I'm gonna go ahead and end the session because I'm not it's been a little few minutes I'm not seeing any questions come in. But as I said, if you do have anything you can go ahead and email. 270 Crystal Rodriguez 01:17:50.800 --> 01:17:51.480 Support or contact support. 271 Crystal Rodriguez 01:17:54.040 --> 01:17:55.160 I'm gonna stop the recording now. 272 Crystal Rodriguez 01:17:59.840 --> 01:18:03.360 Alright, thank you all for coming. I'm gonna go ahead and end the session at this time. 273 Crystal Rodriguez 01:18:04.880 --> 01:18:07.680 And please, as I mentioned, you'll get that's evaluation.